High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript
A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL ops
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries
Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps
elevenlabs-api is an open source Java wrapper around the ElevenLabs
NetSuite PHP API Client with namespaces and autoloading
Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API
Builds nice, normalized and easy to consume REST JSON responses
This is a library to use with Robinhood Financial App
The server component of API Platform, hypermedia and GraphQL APIs
Codiga Code Snippets Manager
The unofficial python package that returns response of Google Bard
Node.js API service
A code generator for MyBatis
Free, open-source text editor
A Lumen Generator You Are Missing
Generate calendars in the iCalendar format
Generates a PHP SDK based on a WSDL, simple and powerful, WSDL to PHP
Non-official Python library for works with API service Index
Laravel CRUD Generator
VS Code plugin that suggests code blocks as you type and check
Add custom NBT tags to Items/Tiles/Entities without NMS
API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.
Generates logs of typical formats that would often be found in a SOC
Html menu generator for Laravel