Surrogate modeling and optimization for scientific machine learning
FSharp source code formatter
A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rails best practices
The sassy UML diagram renderer
Draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable, warpable application
GPU-accelerated GUI development for Node.js and the browser
Nexa SDK is a comprehensive toolkit for supporting ONNX and GGML
GitHub Actions for DigitalOcean - doctl
Pre-trained Neural Network models in Axon
Data manipulation and transformation for audio signal processing
A Pythonic framework to simplify AI service building
Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices
The Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning
Boosted trees in Julia
Metal programming in Julia
Tullio is a very flexible einsum macro
llama.go is like llama.cpp in pure Golang
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework
A feature-rich Unix terminal client for the Mattermost chat system
Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
The operating system and all related software
A modern cmake starter project for C++ with a complete build lifecycle
Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework