H.323 Gatekeeper for VoIP and videconferencing
Converts various video formats into H264 / mp4 format for YouTube
Baixe músicas de um jeito simples
KeepSecret crypto Tool
Calculate the Standard Atmosphere properties at different altitudes.
Unfolding files caused by viruses from USB Pen drives
An Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Scalable Video Streaming
Open-Source, 3D Printed, Light, Tabletop Strategy War Game
"glh" stands for Graphics Library Helper.
Here we are showing the demonstration to build a basic project which h
solves nonlinear Kohn-Sham equation for the neutral atom.
C++ cross plattform functional block programming
Export Youtube Playlists.
RNase H prediction model
An i2c to TCP/IP adaptor to allow easy remote control of an i2c bus.
An optimal genome scaffolding program
Binner for assembled metagenomes