Functional Architectures for Systems with SysML - Plugin for MagicDraw
This is a maths solving app and study guide for various levels..
Simple visual and acoustic metronome with bar-based song part tracking
A more reliable enterprise file sharing synchronization software
education, children, course, C programming language, maze, 2d graphic
Simplifies the development of custom machine learning models
A simple Bash IDE / Debugger
Notepad++ UDL UDL2 User Defined Language color syntax for SAS language
Open source interface management tool
An updated Beginners guide to FreeBASIC
Quick access to the files you need most
Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style (or template)
Easily edit 2-D nucleic acid structure drawings.
Ruby nunca ha sido tan fácil! - Ruby has never been so easy!
Web app for all-grain brewers. Automate your electric brewery.
Easy-OCR solution and Tesseract trainer for GNU/Linux
Web based python-flask Queue management system
A powerful HTTP API gateway in pure golang
Video cutter and organizer / image viewer and video player
Legacy Edition 2020, based on Edition 5 (2014) - DISCONTINUED!
Tabbed navigation that you can swipe between
(Formerly Solium) Code quality & Security Linter for Solidity
React primitive UI components built with styled-system