Search Results for "game map editor" - Page 6

Showing 1119 open source projects for "game map editor"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1
    Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks
    Game based on the game "Tetris Attack". This has nothing to do with the classic tetris game. This project's main focus is on the single player experience.
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  • 2
    Action! Programming Language

    Action! Programming Language

    Action! - The Native Programming Language for Atari 8-bit Computers

    Action! is a programming language for the Atari 8-bit family of microcomputers. It features an integrated editor, a debugger, and a 6502 compiler. Action! was created by Clinton Parker and released on cartridge by Optimized Systems Software (OSS) in 1983. Its syntax is similar to that of ALGOL 68.  Action! is significant for its high performance, which allows games and graphics demos to be written in a high-level language without the use of hand-written assembly language code. Action...
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  • 3


    Volume 3 of ChaosEsque Anthology

    This volume is to house mega-texture style opensource maps for ChaosEsque Anthology Q: Why isn't it on the main disc or volume 2 A: Megatexture style maps use a texture per-map: which can be up to 600MB or more in size. This warrants them to be placed on a seperate disc. A2: The mega-texture style maps are mostly obj files as maps: and thus require the use of the newer versions of the engine: which are available in source code form on the main disc; however the compiled version is usually...
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  • 4

    A WAD of Dungeon Mazes

    A random map WAD file generator

    A generator app for generating random mazes, that are then compiled into Doom 2 compatible PWAD's (Patch WAD files). You can create single levels, or whole campaigns (32 levels). This is for use in either the proprietary software, or many of the open source ports available. With a combination of this and at least two other software packages (a free Doom 2 source port, and a free Doom IWAD) you can create a completely free dungeon crawls game. Note, if you're downloading the compiled exe...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5
    Galaxy Forces VR

    Galaxy Forces VR

    A space shooter game. Run either race or mission, defeat evil enemies.

    A space shooter VR game made with Unity. You are in control of a ship and the goal is to race against the clock to get the fastest time (race), or transport cargo to get the best score (mission). All done in a narrow space cave filled with evil enemies. Featuring interactive music, realistic physics and challenging game-play. There are 55 levels and players may have their best score for each level sent to the game website and the top players are displayed there along with their ranking...
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  • 6
    Stipple Effect

    Stipple Effect

    A pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting

    Stipple Effect is a pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting. It is designed to facilitate a variety of workflows and to encourage rapid, iterative creation of video game art assets and other types of artwork. Stipple Effect was made by a solo indie game developer with the needs and skill sets of other indie developers in mind. It is lightweight and simple to learn and use, yet allows for considerable depth and complexity. Stipple Effect has a feature-rich scripting API...
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  • 7

    Candy Racing Cup: The Lillians Rally

    Now the dogs may driving a car in a complete 3D world.

    Our company, Xilvan Design, presents: Candy Racing Cup: The Lillians Rally, it is a 3D racing game in development since 2010-2025. It's the v36.01! The music is here & I must add realistic sounds! Friendly, Xylvan, Xilvan Design
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  • 8
    Java library that offers conventient functions. With the help of this framework it's possible to implement quickly an own application including menu, status bar, etc. and also an online updater. As a test application a simple and fast text editor (HG Edit) was developed. The framework is also a base for the game framework tjger ( that is also hosted at
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  • 9


    turn-based wargame/simulator

    High-realistic war similator tuned for WWII epoch and around. Over 9000 historical weapons, full world gridded geodata, including climate and population {project abandoned in 2020 due to persistent stack smashing bug)
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10

    Lights of Dreams V

    Xylvan must save people interplanetary & intergalactic travel.

    Xilvan Design may present you their upcoming title: Lights of Dreams V: Path of Starfield. This is the v50.17! It's a game developed in Blitz3D. 1751 planets to discover in this game. A game made by Xilvan Design. All Rights Reserved 2020-2025.
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  • 11


    An Simple GameEngine.

    This is simple game engine with Proprietary scripting language. You can make map by writing code, or using BlockGame Editor! or Play games!
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  • 12


    A POI Icon Set

    Maki is an icon set made for map designers. Maki includes icons for common points of interest like parks, museums, and places of worship. Each icon is available as a 15px by 15px SVG file. Maki is open-source and CC0 licensed. It's easy to use Maki with Mapbox Studio. Download the icons, then drag the SVGs into the Mapbox Studio style editor. Use the Icon Editor to customize the styling of your icon set by adding or removing icons, styling by groups, and more. Maki welcomes icon requests from...
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  • 13

    Dungeon Craft

    Updated emulator of Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures

    Up to date code, including latest engine and editor releases: Dungeon Craft Community Forums: Dungeon Craft is an adventure creator that emulates the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Gold Box RPG's released by SSI. Initially designed to be a "more unlimited" version of the Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) game editor and engine, it has far surpassed the capabilities of the old FRUA system. The editor...
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  • 14


    Program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepads

    AntiMicroX is a graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad. This program is useful for playing PC games using a gamepad that do not have any form of built-in gamepad support. However, you can use this program to control any desktop application with a gamepad; on Linux, this means that your system has to be running an X environment in order to run this program. It allows mapping of gamepads/joystick buttons to: - keyboard buttons - mouse buttons and moves...
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  • 15
    Scoreville is an interactive adult game only for Windows at Version 7. Visit bars and discos to pickup women and drive them to your apartment. Work-out at gym, make penis enlargement operations, receive cash from women, "earn" reputation points, work as security guard or bank manager and much more. Scoreville is only a game. No girls in it. You can make girlpacks with an editor. Visit our forum:
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  • 16
    WillowTree# is a save editor for Borderlands written in C#. It can read, edit, and convert savegame files from PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 versions of the Borderlands game. It has a storage locker that can be used to transfer items between characters.
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  • 17
    Dave Gnukem

    Dave Gnukem

    A 2D scrolling platform shooter, inspired by Duke Nukem 1

    ... LiveStream: Level Editor HowTo: What reviewers are saying: "Worth the price you paid for it" "Not the worst game I've ever seen" AWARDS: Won the arin_j "i think your a good programer award", 6 Jan 2018 live-stream; "FIVE STARS amazing programer at work" - ❤️Please donate, thanks!
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  • 18
    WideW - WebIDEWeb

    WideW - WebIDEWeb

    Web IDE in single HTML file

    IDE written in a single HTML file that runs on the browser tab. There is no need to install, download a single file and run anywhere. To change the initial configuration, edit the widew.html file in the last lines. * Widew use CodeMirror components in code editor. URLs:
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  • 19
    Ultimate Creator

    Ultimate Creator

    Advanced map editor

    It is an advanced object, vehicle, actor editor (full list below), which can work right in the game! Editing: Objects, Vehicles, Actors, Pickups, Checkpoints, Map icons, Gangzones, 3D texts. How to use: 1. To begin, you must have an RCon rights (optional). 2. Once you get them, type /edit command. 3. Now you are in flymode: use the keys W, A, S, D to move, and move the mouse to look around. 4. You can open the main menu by pressing the Enter key. 5. Next, select items depending on what...
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  • 20
    Atari MapMaker

    Atari MapMaker

    Windows map creation tool for ATARI XL/XE games

    This tool was originally created for Ridiculous Reality - Game Of The Year 2012 for Atari XL/XE! Recently I added couple new functions and fixed some stability issues, so I decided to publish it so it can be used by community...
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  • 21
    Color Sudoku
    Sudoku game with numbers, letters or colors. Board size can be from 4 to 20 (default size is 9). You can play many variants - Killer, Greater Than, Consecutive, Odd/Even, Diagonal, Samurai and their combinations, too.
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  • 22
    Sokoban game for Windows including 8000 levels, 30 skins, level editor, undo/redo, save positions, replay.
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  • 23
    Sprinkled Doom

    Sprinkled Doom

    A fork of Chocolate Doom with small Quality of Life enhancements

    Sprinkled Doom is a fork of the latest Chocolate Doom with an emphasis on slight modernisation, allowing for Widescreen and enhancements such as Always Gibbing enemies. It is also a strong limit-removing source port with support for Hexen map formats and additional node support as well as several fixes for effects such as infinite ocean. Sprinkled Doom does not fix any bugs that appear in vanilla Doom. It is the only vanilla compatible Doom source port that retains the original look...
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  • 24


    Homebrew save management, editing tool and memory trainer for Horizon

    A Homebrew save file dumper, injector and on-console editor for Horizon, the OS of the Nintendo Switch. Please note if you are using Atmosphere 0.10.0+, you must use the snapshot version of EdiZon. Older versions of EdiZon do not work on the latest Atmosphere. Extraction of game saves. Injection of extracted game saves (Your own and your friends save files). Uploading of savefiles directly. Batch extraction of all save files of all games on the system. Save file editing. Easy to use, scriptable...
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  • 25
    Space-Faring is a 2D single-player turn-based space strategy game. The strategy revolves around 4X space conquest. Some inspiration came from Master of Orion and Outpost. The game is written in Java and is still under development.
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