x64 build of GCC for Windows
Create software without writing a single line of code
Wildcat: Simple "C" XML reader
Visual Programming for AutoLisp, C+Lisp
An essential 32-64bit localized IDE for Assembly Language with Debuger
AWS EC2 FPGA hardware and software development Kit
A free COBOL compiler
Opensource crossplatform Fallout 2 game engine writen in C++ and SDL
CI maintained precompiled GCC ARM/ARM64 Toolchains for Raspberry Pi
Development toolkit for Web Services and XML data bindings for C & C++
cc65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems
WinLibs standalone build of GCC and MinGW-w64 for Windows
Text and code editor
Graphics library (GRAPHICS.H) for C, C++, WebAssembly, and Python.
The GNU Prolog native compiler
IEC 60870-5-101 Source code Library Stack - Windows c, c++, c# .net
Interpreter and compiler for the Seed7 programming language.