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Code Conjurer is a tool which seamlessly integrates into the Eclipse Java development environment and uses the merobase code search engine to recommend software components for reuse. Update site: http://codeconjurer.sourceforge.net/eclipse-update
Provides support for developing projects to deploy Java applications to Windows Azure. See more at: http://java.interoperabilitybridges.com/cloud, Eclipse Plugin Update URL is: http://dl.msopentech.com/eclipse
In large projects there are a lot of task tags like TODO, FIXME, etc. and Eclipse provides only plain list of all these task tags which is difficult to use. Task Tag Decorator plugin is a plugin which can decorate Package Explorer with icons or text.
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The MASE project investigates methods to support the coordination and executable acceptance testing of software projects. Keywords: Agile methods, distributed teams, Extreme Programming.
An Eclipse plugin for developing applications with Apache Tomcat. Allows to configure the project, and to start and stop a Tomcat session in debugging mode from within Eclipse. This project is based on the former Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin.
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Provide metrics calculation and dependency analyzer plugin for the Eclipse platform. Measure metrics with avg and std deviation and detect cycles in package and type dependencies. Continuation of work from http://sourceforge.net/projects/metrics.
ARC faces (in contrast to MDA and MDSD) the reality of projects that it is hard to start with a model to derive the code from. But with further progress the redundancies in the code and other heterogenous sources become obvious and are hard to manage.
The Eclipse Component Info projects aim is to develop an Eclipse plug-in that offers an easy interface/api to retrieve information on installed components of a running Eclipse instance.
An Eclipse Plugin that Generates Unit Tests. Generates basic tests or Open POJO tests for simple objects and generates test stubs for complex objects. Helps developers test projects created without Unit tests or without Agile methodologies
xQuiD is a RIA framework formed by two complementary projects: A JavaScript framework to build RIA easier, and a free WYSIWYG Eclipse Plugin wich can be used to improve your productivy.
MavenAssist is an EclipsePlugin that helps a user create, navigate and use maven for Java and Flex projects. It works on PC and Mac, with versions of Eclipse of 1.5 and later.
Spatio Temporal Toolkit is a pure Java "Conceptual" library released under LGPL License that is used to manipulate spatio temporal data-sets. This library is giving powerful boosts to data warehouse projects that envolves spatio-temporal data handling.
Portable makefile generator. Generates project files for MSVC, XCode, Carbide, Eclipse, GNU make and more with support for C/C++/Obj-C files, assembly files, C# projects and Android projects.
Source code has been migrated to Github:
The PicCBuilder is an Eclipse plugin for allowing the use of Eclipse CDT as the editor and builder of projects for Microchip PIC microcontrollers. It creates makefiles that involke the C30 or C32 toolchain to generate the binary files.
Generic ant build script that create jars from a single eclipse project or whole project structures. Nothing has to be configured, everything (dependencies to projects or jars) are read from eclipse's .classpath files. Integrates into Hudson CI
red-open uses redview, open-erp-ware and ekkes-corner projects. the goal is to make it all work together as a "Software Manufactur": Model-Driven generation of ERP Business Apps with dynamic rendered Views.
An Open-Source IHE XDS test environment. It is based upon a NIST implementatation of the IHE XDS Repository and Registry. The Eclipse OHF projects for IHE XDS client actors. And a GUI client, based on the OHF library.