Eclipse Jetty - Web Container & Clients - supports HTTP/2, HTTP
Standalone Git GUI based on EGit
A durable Datalog implementation adaptable for distribution
Provides a toolset for developing HISinOne extensions
Releases of McuOnEclipse projects
Java Audio Plugin System
Compose Software Without Writing Any Programing Code
A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU ARM development.
Easy fine console input/output for java
Build tooling for Clojure
Plugin for developing, deploying, and managing AWS applications
An eclipse plugin for the openCONFIGURATOR configuration tool
Provides eclipse plugins for XDD edit, validation and OD generation.
JMEDS is a lightweight, modular extendable Java Framework for DPWS.
mondrian code used by the ART reporting tool
Log4j Plugin for Eclipse which helps you to set up your logger easily
DocBook Editing and Processing for Eclipse
Yet Another DPWS Stack, a WS4D JMEDS fork (discontinued)
JEE based ERP system.
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