PKI & Card Management System to issue and manage tokens & certificates
"loop_daemon" - maintain a program running no matter what.
.you can send usb hid devices or serial ports data...
Control Voltcraft Power Supply and Victor 86C Multimeter
Simple Merlin Ruwido infrared keyboard receiver for Atmels XMega
C# PC app for USB interaction with the Nukalert ER
Wireless computer game controller for people with low arm mobility.
Quick and dirty application to control The Sims 4 Plumbob USB Device
Windows 7 driver for the HID-COM USB-RS232 adapters
JvlMifare is API to be used with the contactless readers HID Omnikey.
USB HID Communication
C# enumerate USB returning hub and port number
Allows use of the PS3 version of the uDraw tablet in Windows 7.
Communicates with USB using HID Class