Search Results for "gl open for pcsx2" - Page 2

Showing 147 open source projects for "gl open for pcsx2"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    Рецепти та приготування

    Cooking - це додаток, який дозволить поділитись рецептами із іншими користувачами або переглянути рецепти інших користувачів. Простий та інтуїтивний інтерфейс. Cooking teams збільшується що дня. В близькому майбутньому планується багато планів, які покращать роботу додатка, будуть додані нові функції. Залишайтесь з нами. Переходим на Play Market,
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  • 2


    Modern 3D engine and IDE written using C# and C++.

    Modern 3D engine and IDE written using C# and C++. Vivid features all the required functionality to write modern apps ang games. Including a fully working custom GL UI called "ResonanceUI". It features lighting and shadows(Unified) and can even embed and playback videos via FFMPEG, in the UI or full screen, with fully synced audio+picture. It offers two scripting solutions: C# and a custom language called VividScript, which is an OOP style language. The Editor is based on other modern...
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  • 3


    JLojch permite ver la lista de juegos compatibles en PS2 [HDD,USB,RED]

    ¿Que Es JLOJCH y para que sirve? Es una aplicación java, que sirve para consultar, añadir y modificar y borrar juegos del listado de juegos compatibles con: -HDLoader/HDAdvance -Open PS2 Loader -USBExtreme/USBAdvance -ESR -PCSX2 para poder tener un acceso rápido y eficaz, y poder entre tod@s mantener todos los listados actualizados en una sola aplicación, en un solo lugar todo en un mismo sitio unificado para todas las personas que...
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  • 4
    ZenGL GNU Linux
    Having done a ZEN GL game, from Delphi X to Image Sprite. So i share the pascal Zen GL engine sources.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5

    Autoboy Blackbox SRT to GPX Converter

    SRT to GPX conversion for Autoboy Blackbox Dashcam SRT files

    ... VIRB EDIT application -> G-METRIX / MAP. GPX is a universal GPS Exchange format and the converted data may be used in any other mapping applications that uses GPX data. The youtube video referenced is an example of the output rendering of the data being displayed in a VIRB exported video. ## DEPENDENCIES: Autoboy Blackbox ( ## RECOMMENDED Garmin VIRB EDIT (
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  • 6

    SynEvents Tweets

    Générer des informations depuis des données de tweets bruts

    L’objectif de l’application Synevent Tweets développée par l’équipe « VTC » est d’aider la société Synevent à faciliter la création de rapports d’impact dans les médias sociaux, l'élaboration d’un rapport facile à lire est essentiel pour la société Synevent, l’extraction de tweets depuis twitter et leur utilisation sur un rapport doit être facilitée et le rapport doit être synthétique et aisément compréhensible par le client avec l'utilisation de graphiques et de citation de tweets...
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  • 7
    GPUImage 2

    GPUImage 2

    Framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing

    GPUImage 2 is the second generation of the GPUImage framework, an open source project for performing GPU-accelerated image and video processing on Mac, iOS, and now Linux. The original GPUImage framework was written in Objective-C and targeted Mac and iOS, but this latest version is written entirely in Swift and can also target Linux and future platforms that support Swift code. The objective of the framework is to make it as easy as possible to set up and perform realtime video processing...
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  • 8


    Image Processing Component for React

    react-imgpro is an image-processing component for React. This component process an image with filters supplied as props and returns a base64 image. I was working on a project last month which involved a lot of image processing and I'd to rely on third party libraries. But before using them directly, I'd to learn different concepts in gl (shaders) and then try to implement them in React. The difficult part was not learning but it was the verbosity, boilerplate code and redundancy introduced...
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  • 9
    Portable c++ library easily as Java. Include sockets, threads, io, logger, process management, ui (SDL2, SFML2, XLIB, XCB, GTK3, ALLEGRO5, GL), media (libvlc, libav, libxine, alsa, mixer, v4l2), and more.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10
    Mapbox Maps SDK for React Native

    Mapbox Maps SDK for React Native

    A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps

    Mapbox is the location data platform for mobile and web applications. We provide building blocks to add location features like maps, search, and navigation into any experience you create. Use our simple and powerful APIs & SDKs and our open-source libraries for interactivity and control. Once you’re signed in, all you need to start building is a Mapbox access token. Use this same short code with all of our interactive mapping libraries, Python and JavaScript SDKs, and directly against our REST...
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  • 11
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    Building High Quality ERP and Accounting Software for SMB & SME

    LedgerSMB is an ERP, featuring accounting (including AR, AP, and GL), quotation and order management, and more, for businesses with small to medium transaction volumes. The system has been shown to easily handle thousands of AR/AP transactions per week. Data integrity, security, quality, and responsiveness are key values for our community, both among the developers and, we hope, the users. Additionally we aim to make LedgerSMB into a platform to integrate with, or even serve as a framework...
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  • 14
    Android Game Engine

    Android Game Engine

    Multi-threaded game engine for Android

    AGE is a multi-threaded game engine for Android with OpenGL ES2 shader-based rendering. In-depth GL knowledge isn't necessary to start; use the OBJ loader to import models from Blender and elsewhere, attach textures, and start rendering! Threads run different activities, e.g. initialization, framerate, timer, game cycle. Apartment model with message passing. The drawing cycle is inverted from typical game loops. Framerate has a dedicated timer, and SurfaceView is in on-demand rendering mode...
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  • 15

    Gphoton: simple 3d ray tracer

    Gphoton in a simple 3d modeler and ray tracer.

    ... was trying to do 3D on early computers - big BW pixels! By late 80s I saw ray tracing and had to write my own. I wrote the 1st ver while taking vector calculus and CAD programming classes c. '92. I was intrigued not only by the beauty of the math but also ray tracing curved metals. This is actually the 2nd ver, ported from MFC to gnome (with enhancements like optional GL) c. '00 with some help from David. Apr'17: Updated to compile on recent Ubuntu/Debian - still runs, even on a pi!
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  • 16
    Snipe Studio Budget Manager

    Snipe Studio Budget Manager

    Simple budget manager for your needs.

    Snipe Studio Budget Manager === ~~~~~~~~~~ Current version: 0.7 Soft requirenments: QT5, lib-mesa-gl Hard requirments: 50-60 mb of ram ~~~~~~~~~~ 30 October 2016 ( * Fixed: now clearing database not saves old data and really clear database file 1 October 2016 ( * Added: Basic console control for autotest using * Added: Help option * Added: version information option * Added: Console output in console mode 9 August 2016 ( * Added: Import...
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  • 17


    Grafika test app

    Welcome to Grafika, a dumping ground for Android graphics & media hacks. A collection of hacks exercising graphics features. An SDK app, developed for API 18 (Android 4.3). While some of the code may work with older versions of Android, some sporatic work is done to support them. Open source (Apache 2 license), copyright by Google. So you can use the code according to the terms of the license, A perpetual work-in-progress. It's updated whenever the need arises. To some extent, Grafika can...
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  • 18


    Get as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS

    60 FPS and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL, framework agnostic. HTML GL solves "the slow DOM problem" by creating WebGL representations of DOM elements and hiding actual DOM after. This speeds up HTML/CSS animations and transformations by using 3D hardware acceleration and allows to apply OpenGL effects as modern 3D games have. Using HTML GL you still work with HTML/CSS as you are common to, but DOM elements are just facades to their WebGL representations. These GPU accelerated...
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  • 19
    Bruce's Custom Sparky Gnome

    Bruce's Custom Sparky Gnome

    Gnome 3 spin of Sparky Linux

    A fully customized Gnome 3 spin of the famous Sparky Linux, a fantastic Debian Testing based Linux distribution. "Ready to go" distro with everything the average (and not so average) computer user would want and need. Catered to the media user, game player, emulation enthusiast, programmer, and of course the average home user that is looking for speed, stability, and an OS that simply works out of the box. I created this spin simply because there is nothing out there that caters to my...
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  • 20
    Space Hockey iphone game

    Space Hockey iphone game

    touch based iphone game

    This is a game I wrote and released some years ago on the iPhone store. As of 2016 I am releasing it as open source, for you to redistribute or modify as you wish - if you are looking for something to learn iphone development with it may be useful to you. The original release used music files which were paid for by me, due to licensing concerns they have been removed, and the files replaced by silent mp3's, please replace them with the music of your choice! This program...
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  • 21
    Multi Windowed Open GL Controls in C#
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    PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux

    PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux, started by the same team that brought you PCSX (a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator). Currently, it can emulate thousands of games at full speed
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    DomainMath IDE

    DomainMath IDE

    An open source gui frontend application for GNU Octave

    DomainMath IDE is an open source GUI front-end application for GNU Octave
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    Flavitu-Linux 14-2 Lubuntu

    ... , activador compton, animador video, extra video tools, extra ppa, tuner terminal radio... All programs in Gambas - default lang in PT, in old version only in Spanish version, Languages - EN-PT-GL. LTS Lubuntu remastered 14.04.To download on MEGA (I have problems to host the ISO )available in parts to be extract after down.!zYtkDTwC!xhCgr4gqWfTLXJ6uDcGarQ GNUSocial -
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  • 25

    The 2DX Project

    Java 2D graphics/utility library

    The 2DX Project is an ongoing project aiming to provide powerful, versatile, and felxible tools for 2D graphics programming in Java. The 2DX-GL core library provides utilities for animation, geometry, basic physics, and more. The Snap2D game engine/library builds upon the 2DX-GL core library by adding features like 2D world management tools, a dedicated scripting language, and high level rendering via the user's choice of either OpenGL or Java2D (OpenGL recommended for high perormance...
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