Simple example of draw and rotate 3D box
A simple tool to allow Chessmaster 10/11 bot customizations
View, manipulate, analyze (LS fit, SVD, FT), and make figs of, spectra
Chess program
A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
Generate X-Plane 11, 10 and 9 scenarios from OSM data
A dataset of short, object-centric video clips
A Headless Chrome rendering solution
Linux 11 Professional 2021.4 - Rtos
Explore and dissect a complete brain model in VR
TNCLinux-2021.2-x64 3D CompizFusion Kernel 5.10.18
an osm openstreetmap 3D / bing maps car / flight / ballon sim game
Quaternion Viewer and Converter
Learning programming language for kids
GUI for MOPAC, DFTB+, GAMESS, Firefly, NWChem, ORCA and PSI4
Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python
Eye movements control portable on different robotic stereo heads
STL viewer for 3D printing
create 3d buttons to push with the mouse.and run any keystroke or prog
RelaxChess, chess game that makes no search futher needed for a wow
A 3D simulator game where you can drive, fly, and sail