Music player - endlessly plays your music
Polymer simulation utilites
SES brings back the uncrackable onetime pad, with a digital twist.
C++11 unit testing framework based on Perl's Test::More module.
A CLI audio cue file generator which uses the API
Parse the latest Arxiv RSS stream and get your institute preprints
Makes your name look more Japanese.
Mangafox Manga Downloader
Dwarf Fortress announcment window
rcss makes using (RCS) (S)imple
An app designed to convert Folders into vpk and vise-versa.
Updates and cleans up your computer with a simple GUI.
Czech-German vocabulary tester for Themen Neu
SimPyl - The Simple Python Logger
A simple database management system
Windows console tone generator,
A simple program to make chatbots.
A cross platform hex file editor