Fedberry is a Fedora Remix for Raspberry Pi® 2/3 computers
A Libretro Intellivision Emulator
An open source ambient light for many systems
Kubernetes on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi)
Raspberry PI Plate Boards Class Using QT
Raspberry PI controlls the ST7735 (SainSmart 1.8 SPI LCD)
Image preconfigured to run x86 windows apps
Open scoreboard Raspberry pi
FedEX (Fedora 29) Rpi3 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Model B+
Take pictures with a Raspberry Pi Camera Module from your iThing
SIA receiver for Galaxy security control panels.
Open Source Alternative to Chromecast, Mirror Desktop and Play media r
C# library for access a LCD 2004 with HD44780 over I2C
Python Based Environmental Controller for Raspberry Pi
DBLX3 Relational Database System
AEBL is a mobile media distribution system
A Java VM for ARDUINO and other micros using the leJOS runtime.
Python Raspberry pi thermostat cron weekly schedule
Exemplo de uso do ADC1115 com Lazarus
Automate the schedule of multiple remote controlled aquarium lights
VMC control with a Raspberry PI