Posts Tagged ‘IBM’

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On this day in 1949, former IBM president Thomas J. Watson Jr. predicted in a sales meeting that all moving parts in machines would be replaced by electronics …

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On this day in 1981 IBM retired its last Stretch supercomputer. The Stretch, also known as the IBM 7030 was part of the 7000 series, the company’s first …

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On this day in 1960 IBM announced their plans for their Stretch supercomputer, the IBM 7030. In an upbeat release the company stated that the Stretch would be …

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On this day in 1957, the first FORTRAN program was run. Back in 1953, IBM computer scientist John W. Backus proposed to his superiors that a more practical …

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April 5, 1911 – Born on this day is Cuthbert Hurd, a mathematician hired by IBM in 1949. At the time, Hurd was only the second IBM employee …

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