Service outage update

By Community Team

As of last night, the SourceForge site (front page, project summary pages, download pages, and download delivery) is back online as well as the SourceForge blog.  During the outage of this blog, our updates were posted on Twitter.  Future status updates will be posted on this blog and tweeted.  Work is continuing 24×7 for restoral of SourceForge Developer Services (SCM, file uploads, mailing lists, project web, and the Allura toolset).

8 Responses

  1. hatem says:

    god bless you
    i am waiting

  2. John Hillman says:

    What the bloody hell is going on people need stuff to work!!!!!!! x(

  3. sanjeev says:

    need serious help with admirer, a video or even a tutorial will be great, nothing out there, help!!!!!!!

  4. Jeff Anderson says:

    In these days of mature Meta-RAID-level server-farm storage systems, a storage crash /should/ be virtually impossible (pun intended). I’m sure that others, in addition to myself, would love to know what failed and how it can be avoided in the future. I also realize that this may take a w-h-i-l-e! Will you please let us know what you find out as it come to light?


  5. Jason says:

    Soooo need the PyQt documentation asap! Thanks guys.

  6. markcoder says:

    Why haven’t repair service is good, my site data including the root directory and mysql data haven’t backup, hope to hurry up,thanks

  7. Mr. Lott says: is still down. When do you think it might be restored?

  8. Jeremy says:

    This is why everyone is using github, if they are paying attention. Great Job, SF!