A Closer Look at the ‘Free’ in FOSS

By Community Team

When the concept of free and open source software was first introduced there was a lot of debate regarding what ‘free’ actually meant.

For a lot of people ‘free’ meant what it always meant, which is without any price or payment. In this case however, it also meant that the source code was open to anyone who wanted to see it and understand the software better, and even make changes to it.

Fast forward to today and most people already know, understand and accept what the ‘free’ in FOSS really means because of this well-worn statement: free as in speech, not free as in beer.

But is that all that ‘free’ really means in FOSS?

Updating the Definition

One of the driving principles behind making software free and open source was the idea that the more people there are looking at the code, the better. More people meant more eyes could see the ins and outs of the source code, and that meant bugs could get spotted quicker. As the years progressed however, it appeared that this was not always the case. Why? Because most people were not actually looking at the code, understanding it and making it better. Some people who use open source code aren’t even coders– they simply come in and take what they need and leave. So even as the number of open source users increased, the number of people actually improving the source code remained the same and even decreased due to overload and burnout.

This phenomenon may be an unavoidable consequence of FOSS being free, but that doesn’t mean it’s one we should propagate. To counteract this phenomenon it’s necessary to update the current definition of ‘free’ in FOSS and add that it is also ‘free as in puppy.’

Free As In Puppy

This statement, while seemingly lighthearted carries with it a serious connotation. It accurately presents what ‘free’ should be in FOSS right now. Like those cute and furry little creatures, open source projects start off as appealing and easy to procure. Once you take them home however, you need to take responsibility for them. You need to take care of them, feed them, exercise and clean up after them. While you may not have to do the exact same things with open source software, the sense of responsibility is the same. Once you pick up open source software you need to be responsible for keeping it updated, contributing to and nurturing the community that goes along with it.

Free As In Mattress

Another relevant issue plaguing open source today is its lack of security. In response to this Tech journalist Mary Branscombe adds another relevant definition of FOSS: free as in mattress. Not the one you find in a store mind you, but one that’s leaning up against a wall, in an old abandoned room or beside a dumpster somewhere. Anyone can take it home– but the question is, would you really want to without knowing where it came from?

This definition of ‘free’ stresses the fact that open source code must always undergo a vetting process. This process will ensure that open source code is high quality, always up-to-date, secure and working as it should.

There can be many other definitions of ‘free’ in FOSS, some truer and more relevant than others. It’s important for us to keep analyzing and updating the meaning of ‘free’ in FOSS, as it has a significant effect on how the field of FOSS develops as a whole.

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