
Build Types

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SDK Build Types

The following are the types of builds produced from the Flex team's internal build system:

Latest Milestone Release Builds

Releases are builds that have been declared major releases by the development team - Releases are the right builds for people who want to be on a stable, tested release, and don't need the latest greatest features and improvements. There are generally a few milestone releases on a given branch and will be signified by incrementing the first minor number (e.g., 3.1).

The Flex team creates signed versions of the major RSLs for every milestone release.

Stable Builds

Stable builds have been found to be stable enough for most people to use. They are promoted from nightly build by the architecture team after they have been used for a few days and deemed reasonable. The latest stable build is the right build for people who want to stay up to date with what is going on in the latest development stream, and don't mind putting up with a few problems in order to get the latest and greatest features and bug fixes. The latest stable build is the one the development team likes people to be using because of the valuable and timely feedback; however it should be understood that the only fully supported versions are milestones (e.g., Adobe technical support supports milestones, though may point to fixes in stable builds) . The development team attempts to put out a stable build on active branches within 60 days of each other. Stable builds are signified by incrementing the second minor number (e.g., 3.0.1).

The Flex team dos not currently create signed versions of the major RSLs for stable builds as it would begin negating the value of the framework cache (that said, we'll be keeping an eye on things and re-evaluating as necessary).

Nightly Builds

Nightly builds are produced every night from whatever has been released into the HEAD of the SVN repository. They are untested and may have problems. Some possibly will not work at all. These drops are normally only useful to developers actually working on the Flex Project, but may be used to monitor how a given feature is progressing. Nightly builds follow the numbering of the last stable build, with only the third minor number incrementing (and matching the last revision number from Subversion).


Wiki: Download Flex 4.5
Wiki: Download Flex 4.6
Wiki: Download Flex 4