User Activity

  • Committed [c9d51c] on Code

    dev_tools/qgistoolbox: option added, load all standard tool libraries (boxes will be created only for loaded libraries!)

  • Committed [3ac19e] on Code

    helper/make_saga_release.bat: after python toolbox creation (using pysaga) remove __pycache__ folder

  • Committed [ba1bea] on Code

    dev_tools/arctoolbox: option added, load all standard tool libraries (boxes will be created only for loaded libraries!)

  • Committed [65d456] on Code

    pj_proj4/crs_base: update for deprecated parameters CRS_EPSG/_AUTHORITY

  • Committed [b64c82] on Code

    saga_api, CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target: option added for user defined target grid system, rounding bounds to multiples of cell size

  • Committed [9c2779] on Code

    saga_api, math_tools.h: M_HAS_DECIMALS(x) makro added

  • Committed [a5118b] on Code

    saga_api, CSG_Projection(s): generate description from wkt-2

  • Committed [32ec27] on Code

    pj_proj4/crs_definition, for debug purposes only: option added to request wkt-2 as xml

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Personal Data

2005-06-07 13:26:04


This is a list of open source software projects that Olaf Conrad is associated with:

  • Project Logo SAGA GIS   Last Updated:

Personal Tools