User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5 on Fish Fillets - Next Generation

    The CI will also let you save the latest binaries for tests and release.

  • Created ticket #5 on Fish Fillets - Next Generation

    Switch github with ci and io

  • Updated merge request #2 on Atomic Tanks

    Add a github ci that compile the code on every push.

  • Updated merge request #1 on Atomic Tanks

    Add windows build.

  • Posted a comment on merge request #3 on Atomic Tanks

    Consider to switch to github to compile the code on every push, for faster develop. Also can upload the binary. Users can download them and test them. Sven @yamakuzure, I recreate my repo. I didn't add the allegro to source. I create a CI that download and compile atanks for windows and linux. Please check it out. and consider to switch to github with a CI. Thank you for your release 6.6 I created binaries for linux and windows on my ci. Please take a look:

  • Created merge request #3 on Atomic Tanks

    Add a github action ci For Linux and Windows

  • Committed [b93f32]

    Create Windows and Linux CI

  • Posted a comment on merge request #2 on Atomic Tanks

    @yamakuzure Thank you for your release 6.6 I created binaries for linux and windows on my ci. Please take a look:

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Personal Data

2011-12-09 02:55:48


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