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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    Yes, our construction of password is a little bit odd. I accept your arguments. If people have problems with our login, I now have explanation to give them. Thanks again for your time!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    The case insensitive matching of the user-id is a bit odd, since it is not case insensitive matching of the password. They should be treated in the same way. Our passwords are partly dependent on the case of some letters in the user-id. Now if a user may use all lower case input for his user-id, should also the part in his password be treated that way and valid? Giving two valid passwords?!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    I noticed that it's now 2 items in the mrbs_variables: db_version with value 57 local_db_version with value 1 ?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    Right! Now the upgrade of the files in the databse went OK and a user with ÅÄÖ or åäö somewhere in the id may login. For instance: userid: Ö password: ÖÖÖÖÖÖ works. But also ö (lowercase) with ÖÖÖÖÖÖ works. To me that's 2 different users?! Ö and ö, but with same password. Nice! Anyhow problem solved I think. But: listing of the users may fool a user. As you said earlier, uppercase letter are changed to lowercase and that's what in the list. Still the password in our case are casesensitive. In the...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    Sorry, can't find any file mrbs_variables or db_version in any of the usual inc-files. In the folder upgrade 1, there is an mysql.sql where maybe db_version is set to 1?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    Installed the version you recommended, with fresh database, but mrbs failed in step 2, see picture, It ends with "fatal error database not available for the moment". Maybe the database is wrongly defined? I did use the from my 1.7.1 version, not the one in your recommended version, (but it's still in the folder). The run was done on PHP 5.6. Another run om PHP 7.2 gives same result.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    Sorry, i downloaded from the link, but decided (wrongly) that it was pure 1.7.1 and didn't use it. I will do tomorrow. The $unicode_encoding was not found in config file, but in the and is set to 1.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1635 on Meeting Room Booking System

    The $unicode_encoding parameter where can I find that? You are correct. The system I'm upgrading from is a mrbs 1.4.5. I have got the latest version 1.7.1 from Sourceforge, the one that I have problem with. As for p 4 to convert username to lower case? All user-id are already, except for one, in lower case and that's not the one causing trouble. For the admin with userid ÅÄÖ åäö you got, the first 3 letters is upper case. Likewise for the password. The userid was created in mrbs 1.4.5, not through...

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2011-06-09 19:46:34


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