User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2774 on D2X-XL

    D2X-XL is not currently under active development - at least, not the official version. Arne has a fork on GitHub where he made some stability fixes - it might be worth checking if that works for you.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2915 on D2X-XL

    There were forums on but they fell into disuse and may not currently be working. For general Descent 1/2 development, I would suggest the following server on Discord: There hasn't really been much done with D2X-XL for a long time, although Arne has created a fork that has a handful of tweaks to improve stability at the cost of some performance. There are a few people there working on various projects to improve Descent though; I'm not aware of a Unity/Unreal...

  • Modified ticket #166 on D2X-XL

    1.12.31 - Custom textures imported with DTX 1 are corrupted upon opening a level

  • Posted a comment on ticket #166 on D2X-XL

    This should be resolved in version 1.12.32.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #166 on D2X-XL

    Hmm... I think the two things are related. DLE doesn't account for the fact that the DTX patch might include sounds, too, not just bitmaps, and that results in reading the bitmaps from the wrong offsets. And because it doesn't read sounds, it doesn't save them either. It looks like there isn't an easy way to solve that for now, which would make the quickest fix... don't save edits to DTX files, I guess.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #165 on D2X-XL

    Completed the manual version of this function for next version. In a separate conversation Xfing confirmed that was an acceptable solution.

  • Modified ticket #165 on D2X-XL

    Feature request: cube count optimization

  • Posted a comment on ticket #165 on D2X-XL

    Cube optimization requires an algorithm I don't currently have, except for trivial cases which occur rarely outside of bad levels. It might be possible but I'm not sure it's not NP-hard, and need to do research so it's not a near-term goal. I can implement a manual "merge the selected and other cube into one" function though. It would only work if they were currently joined, and would have to detach the cubes from surrounding other cubes to avoid corrupting their geometry, but would at least let...

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Personal Data

2006-04-28 07:58:50


This is a list of open source software projects that Sirius is associated with:

  • D2X-XL OpenGL port of the classic 6dof 3D shooter Descent Last Updated:

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