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  • Posted a comment on ticket #22 on ProteoWizard

    I read that the peakpicking algorithm would be different (with my script using a local maxima algorithm and the application using either vendor of CWT methods) This is incorrect. MSConvertGUI and MSConvert offer exactly the same peakpicking options as they are both interfaces to the same underlying code. You should use SeeMS to try to understand why those files are not converting. Also note that your script seems inconsistent in which file types it's looking for - is it .d or .raw?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    That's true, there's no synchronization between zoom video and Jamulus audio. It's nice for ambiance - to see the smiles between songs etc - but would not be useful for, say, a conductor. On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 2:16 PM DonC wrote: No, No, not with wifi, with a wired internet connection. You will not be happy using Jamulus with wifi. Zoom works with a wired connection too, I have done it, running Jamulus and Zoom at the same time. You do need a good, fast Internet connection...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    You have to configure the server for more than the default 10 connections, but yes, this is commonly done. For video, just use Zoom with no audio. On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 12:14 PM Jayne Rose wrote: I am new to this. Please confirm that up to 20 members of a choir can sing together at the same time on a server with sufficient band width? Also, is there the potential for video capabilities? Effects of the Corona virus on Jamulus

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    As Jamulus grows in popularity I see more and more posts from players wondering how to find other people to jam with. This is, as far as I know, and unsolved problem - so let's solve it! Please go to and share your thoughts on what you'd want from a (free!) Jamulus matchmaking service that would let you propose jams and to be alerted when others propose jams you might want to join (based on proximity, time of day, genre etc). Let's do this!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Server on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Looks fine from here - not sure you even need -o (but if you do, you probably want to provide all values to eliminate any chance of that being the weirdness). If your friend still can't see it, then it's almost certainly a firewall issue on your end. If you can connect on the local network then the firewall issue is at your router, not at the server.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Server on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    If you actually want it to be private, remove the -e argument and give your friend your external IP address, they will type that in instead of a server name.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Server on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    As you have made it public (-e option) no port forwarding is needed. But you should check that -e argument, that's an old URL. Should have a genre as part of its name.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Vote on SourceForge Project of the Month

    VOTE: llcon Volker's sleepy little Jamulus project has suddenly gone completely through the roof, and he has been incredibly generous and gracious in working with this newfound community of musicians around the world, polishing and upscaling. The project is real shot of joy in a dark time, and Volker is a class act.

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2003-01-02 23:45:28


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