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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    In the meantime I have not informed you on every error, but keep in mind that it happens almost regularly twice a day. :-(

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, it seems that it happens more and more often...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, it seems that it happens more and more often...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, today it's Valerio's turn not to be found :-) As already stated, the number of "ghosts" matches the number of "Loading Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX" and the subsequent "Loaded Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX" (one, in this case). I attach a log extract of the sync. There you can see that GCSM does the "Loading Google Contact with id 6ee81e2a0a23761f" between the "Matching contact" 333 and 334. However, Valerio sits in position 476... Then it effectively syncs the "real" Valerio on position...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, it happened again. This time GCSM added not one, but 7 "ghosts". As usual, it seems that when it tries to sync the first "ghost" it does not find it (in this case it's the 571st), because it appears that it doesn't exist in that position or with that id. I attach a log extract of the last sync. You can see that for every time that GCSM does "Loading Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX" and the subsequent "Loaded Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX", a "ghost" is created. I hope that this can help you...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, it happened again. This time GCSM added not one, but 7 "ghosts". As usual, it seems that when it tries to sync the first "ghost" it does not find it (in this case it's the 571st), because it appears that it doesn't exist in that position or with that id. I attach a log extract of the lasy sync. You can see that for every time that GCSM does "Loading Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX" and the subsequent "Loaded Google Contact with id XXXXXXXXX", a "ghost" is created. I hope that this can help you...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi Florian, it happened again, even with 4.1.32.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1324 on GO Contact Sync Mod

    Hi, it happened again... and it seems to always happen on the "last + 1" contact. In my case, I have 564 contacts, and this error appears when GCSM tries to synchronise the "565th contact". It seems to me that GCSM creates this "phantom contact" for some cause... Log extract: ... ... 2022-08-04 14:14:36 DBG Matching contact 498 of 564 by id: Giovanni Bernasconi ###### GIOVANNI IS INDEED IN THE CONTACT LIST!! ... ... 2022-08-04 14:14:39 DBG Matching contact 564 of 564 by id: Picchetto ST URC22 2022-08-04...

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2011-10-03 12:42:13


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