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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    JFYI, I tried to upgrade to versions 21 and 22. Both upgrades passed smoothly (the script I published earlier here), I was able to enter the login screen immediately without any changes. But could not login anyway - the same rejection as with v23. May it be that I do something wrong at all with the update process?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Thank you, Richard, for these clarifications. Which version are you working with? I checked the file inc.Settings.php - till version 22 inclusive the pear location was as you mentioned: vendor/autoload.php. So, it looks like you are right about the global change in V23... It is strange that Uwe did not see this change and didn't right any notes about upgrade... BTW, I am on Fedora 34... Thank you!!!!!!!!! Have an easy move to a new city.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Thank you, Richard. After adding the debug redirect messages I discovered that execution of inc/inc.Settings.php fails in the line 44: for some unclear reason the path indicated "../pear/vendor/autoload.php" starts with "..". This seemed me incorrect as "pear" resides under seeddms and going one level up is incorrect. When I removed these ".." I stepped forward and received the login page but wasn't able to login using any credentials that worked previously: "Error signing in. User ID or password...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hello, Richard - glad you are OK...:-) I checked the apache logs - no traces of the problem. Error log is empty, while access log contains: "GET /seeddms/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36" "-" 408 - "-" "-" As for the permissions - after the last script command sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/seeddms all the files seems to be owned by apache. Finally, the PHP is the same (didn't upgrade it) as with...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hello, Richard and all. It was about 2 years I worked with the 5.1.12 version. Now I decided to upgrade to the last 5.1.23 using the script you suggested and described in the first posts. Unfortunately it did not work. After applying the script (with uncommented "cp..." line for upgrade) and renewing the WEB page, I received the request to remove the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. And when I removed it, I can't connect to the server any more. I accessed the configuration page again - everything is configured...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Yes, Uwe, i understand your logic. But I look at this as a user, not a developer. When I want to edit some document (and this is the very undesrtandable logic desire :-) ) , today I need to download it, edit it (outside) and then manually upload it back - all this is very annoying and also the source of errors (one may forget to upload...). I dreamed about "EDIT" button aside of "Download" one...:-)

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    I wonder if it is possible to automate opening of a document in its associated application instead of downloading it. It will be great to automate this process also via some temporary file. I mean - let's say I have text document in my SeedDMS repository. When I want to see/edit it, I click "Download" and it is downloaded into temp directory as a temp file, and the corresponding editor is called. it will be 1000 times better if after I close the editor, this file is automatically uploaded...:-) May...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    For those coming here for the help: Look at the "Installation on fresh ubuntu 18.04" topic.

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2004-11-02 16:10:47


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