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  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    Yes afaik it's only goto and sync that Stellarium can do. What primo mosto can do as an alternative is set up an INDI server with a LX200 device driver to talk to the mount. That driver will support the rest of the LX200 protocol. Stellarium can talk to the INDI server to control the mount (with only slew and sync). And anything else that a client needs to tell the device driver can be done simultaneously from another client that talks INDI, like setting lunar or solar speed etc. -- Hans

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    F1 on my Stellarium shows list of keys with Ctrl+Shift+1 for sync of telescope 1, not Ctrl-3 (which is to move telescope #3 to the selected object). What does your F1 command list show ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    That is hilarious. It must be because Stellarium uses OpenGL for 3D rendering, and that GeForce Experience thingie assumes that the only reason a program would want to use OpenGL is if it were a game. Cool that you found it. Thanks for reporting back.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    Where exactly did you download stellarium from ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    I think this user thinks that the desktop and mobile version are both supported by this team here.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    Sidetracking the discussion a bit but I'm curious as to why you do not use INDI for this purpose ? That way you can control your LX200 protocol mount without having to write anything. Or was writing this driver the purpose of the question ? If so please ignore this sidetrack :)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    Interesting choice of words. 'Job'. Maybe you misunderstand how this project exists. It's noone's "job" to do the things you state. This is all made and maintained by unpaid volunteers. Very few even. There's no job's involved here, and because of that I propose you behave more friendly from now on.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Feedback on Stellarium

    Hi Neil, here's a guess : your upgrades commented out the stellarium ppa. Look at the contents of the /etc/apt.d/ files to look for the stellarium ppa and uncomment it. Might be totally wrong but worth a check ;) -- Hans

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2000-11-03 22:03:07


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