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  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    In version 5.7.2 the Color Information window reports the wrong values. Regardless of the selected region the reported channel values are always equal R=G=B=A. HSVL reporting is also incorrect. Version 5.7.1 works correctly and reports the correct values for each channel.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    The Chaco package for 5.6.5 and 5.6.6 fails to install because of an unsatisfied dependency on 'chocolatey-misc-helpers'. I believe the package it should be depending on is actually named 'chocolatey-misc-helpers.extension'.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    The Windows builds for 5.6.2 are missing the utility binaries usually located in bin (oiiotool, ImageMagick, etc.).

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    Great thanks! Now that it's fixed going forward I don't think the issue with previous versions is a big deal.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    Correct. That uninstalls the old version and installs the new version as expect, but the old version's bin directory is still left on PATH.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    I'm not a powershell guru, but what about checking the URL as part of the install script and then passing the correct URL to Choco's install helper?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    The Choco packages are broken for any versions of mrViewer whose binaries have been moved to the "archive" directory on Sourceforge since the package metadata doesn't list that path as a download source. Would it be posible to set the package url so that it tries to use sourceforge/Files/ but if that gives a 404 it falls back to sourceforge/Files/archive/

  • Modified a comment on discussion Bugs on mrViewer

    In versions 5.5.3 and newer oiiotool seems to be built against the wrong libraries. Running oiiotool -h reports an error indicating it is looking for Half-2_3.dll when the shipped version is Half-2_5.dll. Other libs seem to be the wrong version too, but this is the first error reported.

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2005-09-13 02:17:56


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