User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #175 on iCal4j

    Hi, ical4j is now hosted on Github. If you can raise the issue in Github issues it would be much appreciated.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on iCal4j

    It really is a malformed value for trigger. Even for zero time duration it should be PT0 or something like that. Can you confirm if this was produced from a known application? NOTE: I don't really monitor these forums regularly, so would suggest adding new issues over on github for tracking:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on iCal4j

    Yes, I have started looking at incorporating availability into freebusy calculations. This is still in progress but hopefully won't be too long to implement. NOTE: Apologies for delayed response but I don't really monitor these forums anymore. Please use github issues to raise requests and provide feedback:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mstor

    hi mike the maven coordinates changed a few years ago so you can find the latest here: also the project now lives on github so feel free to raise issues there.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on iCal4j

    Fix will be applied in next release (v3.0.5)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #174 on iCal4j

    I've released a new version of ical4j-extensions, hopefully compiled for Java 1.7. You can find it in maven central/bintray:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mstor

    It seems that your /tmp directory might be on a different mount point to /var/spool. A possible solution might be to override the temp location. I can possibly add support for this if you can raise an issue on the GitHub project

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mstor

    Hi Laxmi, I can see from your code that you are adding the 'mstor.cache.disabled' property to your javamail session properties. This will not work as you need to add it to your System properties. You can do this by adding an option at runtime (e.g. java -Dmstor.cache.disabled=true <program>), or programmatically: System.setProperty("mstor.cache.disabled", "true"); regards, ben

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Personal Data

2000-02-16 15:31:13


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