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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SMPlayer I just noticed that when I play ONE film (amongst 7 tried, nothing particularly different) the initial green screen remains as a vertical green band (semi-transparent) in the middle of the screen (~6% of the width) . (This didn't happen with the same film in an earlier version.)

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SMPlayer

    Hi. I have SMPlayer v. 21 portable. I have a programmed keyboard shortcut for "stop". One press stops a video and closes the window - but then it re-opens and starts playing again! I remember reading somwhere that a single click now acts like a pause (?) but I can't find it again! - nor in the preferences. How can I change this infuriating behaviour? Thanks, regards.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SMPlayer

    Hi. I have SMPlayer v. 21 portable. I want to correct progresssive de-synchronisation of subtitles from an external .srt file but the FPS values are all grayed out. (I read that this happens with integrated subtitles in an .mkv - not surprising - but it that should be ok with an external file.) Thanks, regards.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on SMPlayer

    Hi. I just updated SMPlayer from v. 20 to the latest version v.21 (portable) When I play a series of videos a blank screen flashes between each pair. It used to be black but now it is a dazzling bright green. I can't find a preference; I've read every line in 'smplayer.ini' and I've searched for "00ff00" in all files without success. Any ideas? Thanks, regards.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Blat - Windows Command Line SMTP Mailer

    Thank you so much, Chip, for all your support and patience! This will save me a lot of time. Best regards

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Blat - Windows Command Line SMTP Mailer

    32-bit .exe please! Really kind... Best regards

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Blat - Windows Command Line SMTP Mailer

    Hi Chip Thanks so much for your kind offer: that would be really great! No problem for the unique ID's - I need them to be unique, too - they are generated to be so. Thanks again! Regards, Chris

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Blat - Windows Command Line SMTP Mailer

    Thanks for your reply, Chip. I'm already using -a1 and -a2 for other headers (I don't think that more (-a3...) is possible. I have found the code which writes the Message-ID string, so I could easily change it - but it would also mean adding an addtional command-line option... That would also mean re-compiling everything which could be a lot of work. (Do you happen to know if it would compile with Visual C v. 6 ?) Best regards Christophe

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2007-10-08 13:47:07


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