
#63 SFTP Support


Need SFTP support badly. University and Organization IT departments are dropping/blocking FTP support, in favor of SFTP. Thus leaving no integrated way of publishing web site data, or to edit remote documents over a SFTP connection.

This feature has been missing since NVU's 1.0 Release back in 2005. =(


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Support this one.

    is there a way of bumping up priority ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Ditto. At the University level, SFTP is required and the only reason my students aren't using nVu or KompoZar

  • Andy Harrington

    Andy Harrington - 2007-10-17

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    Agreed! I teach using Kompozer, but the site part is useless since our server only allows sftp.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I totally agree - I would like to see the priority moved WAY up.

    walt B

  • Jens-Erik

    Jens-Erik - 2007-10-22

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    The same situation at the university of Tübingen: uploading to the web server only with SFTP/SCP. The physics dpt. at Uni Augsburg has blocked non-encrypted FTP, POP and IMAP. So this is a common issue.

  • Lynna Landstreet

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    Another vote for moving this way, way up the priority list. As far as I'm concerned it's the #1 shortfall in nVu and the main reason why I have mixed feelings recommending the program to anyone. It's not just universities as some have mentioned -- many web hosts are also blocking unencrypted FTP connections, and the ones that don't seem to have constant problems with FTP accounts being compromised. Using unencrypted FTP really isn't feasible any more.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I also strongly support the addition of SFTP, it is at the top of my wish-list.

  • Kevin Cole

    Kevin Cole - 2007-12-20

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    As they say on many IRC channels "+1" -- i.e. I also vote "Yea". In the past I've done all the maintenence on our web servers, and am quite comfortable with the command line, so "scp ..." holds no fear. But as others begin to create web pages here with GUI tools, I'm loathe to install an FTP server just to keep them happy, when SFTP and SCP are available already.

  • Kevin Cole

    Kevin Cole - 2007-12-20

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    (This has also been raised again in 1846091.)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Has my vote for moving to the top of the list...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Add my vote for this feature -- I work at a university too, have no ftp access - only scp/sftp, and so I cannot integrate kompozer with the web stuff, I have to move all files manually which is a huge pain.


  • Trev

    Trev - 2008-04-23

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    Obviously people REALLY want this feature. Add me to the list.
    To help with bug triage (and add to the point) the following bugs are duplicates of this one:

    There are likely others as well.

  • Frédéric Chateaux

    • labels: --> Site Manager
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-11-17

    Priority +1 for me. Our school is using KompoZer in a class, so I have to support an FTP server for it. It would be far, far preferable to support an SFTP server.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2016-02-01
  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    I understand SCP / SFTP is one of the most requested features. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in SSH support in the Mozilla code base, and it’d be a lot of work to implement a reliable SSH support.

    Being the only developer workin on KompoZer at the moment, I’m afraid I have other priorities to address right now. I’m pushing the priority on this item to raise its visibility, in case somebody is willing to work on this.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-12-29

    Thanks for the update on development status. If and when this feature does finally become available it will make Kompozer a complete package for me. Currently I rely on Cyberduck to upload my Kompozer edited web files via SFTP.

  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    A student has started working on this item.
    We might get some SFTP support for the 0.8 branch, maybe in the next 3 months.

  • qazwiz

    qazwiz - 2010-02-22

    I am all for any "standard" file exchange that encrypts the data and thus, when I heard that SFTP is an encrypted FTP (and possible the only one available without proprietary entanglements as no others were mentioned) I was immediately for it

    I have of course heard of SSH, and just a couple hours ago heard of SFTP for the first time... however I am a blank at how either is implemented.... in the context that SSH is for SHTML I wonder if the S in SHTML stands for SSH and if so does it also in SFTP???? if yes, read on...

    if SFTP is the SSH protocol for FTP , I have a great shortcut... my web host suggests, among the known implementers of SFTP,, Filezilla as a free FTP up-loader that uses SFTP protocol ... Filezilla IS open source is it not? this will (or rather SHOULD) also allow easy implementation of SHTML transfer should a webserver NOT have secure FTP but does have more widely used SHTML

    again, pardon this humble programmer of any errors that are due to ignorance of the implementations/definitions of SSH, SFTP, and SHTML [as well as my overt dismissal of Murphy's Law(s) as to the ease of the suggested inclusions]

    I can understand the delay due to a student accepting the project but while I am sure that said student hopes to be the next "Bill Gates" I hope he shall pardon me as I will pray that he is the next "Tim Paterson" ... well, maybe so but with a little more confidence in his creativity and the application !!!! (to those who are clueless, "Look it up Folks!" $50,000 vs ... )


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