
#696 The WebAddress/@IP attribute description is confusing

Mike Green

The WebAddress/@IP attribute description is
confusing. As it stands, the wording is ambiguous.
The wording also leads you to believe that there is
no difference between specifying IP="*" and omitting
the IP attribute. This may be the case if the IP
Address of the target web site is "All Unassigned"
but it is not the case if an explicit IP Address is

The WiX schema element description could be improved
by including a remarks section that specifies how WiX
behaves in the following circumstances:

1) IP is set to an IP Address.
2) IP is set to "*".
3) IP attribute is not specified.

It would also be worth reviewing whether WiX should
behave differently for circumstances 2 and 3. Today,
WiX does behave differently if the IP Address of the
target web site is assigned. In circumstance 2, WiX
finds the target web site. In circumstance 3, WiX
does not find the target web site and generates the
error "Failed to read IIsWebs table (-2147023728)".
Is this intentional?


  • Rob Mensching

    Rob Mensching - 2007-04-06

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Added more content to hopefully clear up the purpose.

  • Mike Green

    Mike Green - 2007-10-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Rob, the new V2 content is a big improvement but I still found it a bit difficult to assimilate. I’ve provided an alternative below for your consideration. I also notice that the V3 help file needs updating with whatever is the final content for this attribute.

    Proposed content:

    The IP address to locate an existing WebSite or create a new WebSite.

    IP attribute not specified - Locates only the “All Unassigned” IP address or creates the “All Unassigned” IP address.

    IP explicitly specified - Locates only the specified IP address or creates the specified IP address.

    IP specified as “*” - Locates any IP address including the “All Unassigned” IP address or creates the “All Unassigned” IP address.

    Existing V2 content:

    The IP address for the web address. To specify the "All Unassigned" IP address, do not specify this attribute or specify its value as "". The IP address is also used to determine if the WebSite is already installed. The IP address must match exactly (empty value matches "All Unassigned") unless "" is used which will match any existing IP (including "All Unassigned").

    Existing V3 content:

    For IP address "All Unassigned", do not specify this attribute or specify its value as "*".

  • Mike Green

    Mike Green - 2008-02-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I don’t understand why this bug has been changed to Pending/Fixed, following my last comment. I can see that it might not be worth updating the v2 help file, now that v2 is regarded as stable. However, I think that my comment on updating the v3 help file is still applicable. Therefore I’ve changed the status to ‘open’ and the group to ‘v3’. To re-iterate the suggested bug fix, the existing v3 help text for WebAddress/@IP attribute description should be changed to read as follows:

    The IP address to locate an existing WebSite or create a new WebSite.

    IP attribute not specified - Locates only the “All Unassigned” IP address or creates the “All Unassigned” IP address.

    IP explicitly specified - Locates only the specified IP address or creates the specified IP address.

    IP specified as “*” - Locates any IP address including the “All Unassigned” IP address or creates the “All Unassigned” IP address.

  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 21 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).