
#38 Bad default HtmlHelpCompilerFilename


In the NDoc GUI, the 'HtmlHelpCompilerFilename'
property is set to 'C:\Program Files\HTML Help
Workshop\hhc.exe' by default, which will break for
folks like me who have a system drive that's not C:.

I suggest building the default path to the compiler
with %SystemDrive% on Windows machines.


  • Jason Diamond

    Jason Diamond - 2002-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    Good idea. How about if we default to the value of
    System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles + "\HTML
    Help Workshop\hhc.exe"?

  • Jason Diamond

    Jason Diamond - 2002-03-17
    • assigned_to: nobody --> injektilo
  • Jason Diamond

    Jason Diamond - 2002-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    Hmm. It looks like we already default get the ProgramFiles
    special folder and then append to that. Is it possible
    that ProgramFiles on your system is still set
    to "C:\Program Files" even though your %SystemDrive% is
    not "C:"?

    Our example projects probably have the
    HtmlHelpCompilerFilename set using "C:". But that's
    because we saved those projects on one of our machines
    where our system drive is "C:". If you create a new
    project from scratch would it default to whatever your
    system drive is?

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    The problem would lok better if we use the %ProgeamFiles%
    environment variable in the default path.

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    • assigned_to: injektilo --> jcman
  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    Default path set to %ProgramFiles%\HTML
    Help Workshop\hhc.exe, and expanding the environment

    Now what if the user has installed the html help compiler
    in a different path?

  • Jason Diamond

    Jason Diamond - 2002-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    Isn't this the same thing it was doing before with the
    GetFolderPath function?

    Does the HTML Help Compiler put anything in the registry
    when it gets installed? I just found a possibly useful
    value here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\HTML Help
    Workshop called InstallDir. Do you think we could rely on
    this being set and display a message to the user if it
    doesn't exist?

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    The advantage of using an environment variable is that you
    can use the same project file on computers that have
    different %ProgramFiles% paths.

    Now if we get the hhc install directory from the registry,
    it even better. :-)

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    I checked on a couple of machines here and I did not find
    the InstallDir value in the registry, so I guess we can't
    rely on that... I'll work on another approach.

  • Jason Diamond

    Jason Diamond - 2002-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    Did you install the HTML Help Workshop separately? I did
    so that might be way I have that registry key. Maybe it
    doesn't install that key if you get the Workshop with

    I have some associations that reference files in that
    directory. Here's one:


    There's a bunch of COM objects that have been registered
    in that directory, too:


    I don't know what this key is but it looks promising:

    n\App Paths\hhw.exe

    I found these by searching for "HTML Help Workshop".

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    The only registry key with hhc.exe's path that was present
    on all my workstations is:


    So now, if the MSDN documenter does not find hhc.exe in
    the default location, it tries the path from that registry
    key's default value.

    If both methods fail, the documenter throws an exception.

    I think we should try this for a while, as I think it is
    better than having the hhc.exe path written in the project

  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Jean-Claude Manoli

    Logged In: YES

    No one has complained yet, so I'm closing that bug.


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