
#32 Filtering won't activate

filters (152)

I'm running Privoxy 2.9.14 for Windows (XP) from the downloaded
binary (I don't have a compiler.), and everything seems to work great
except the filtering.

The following:

annoyances} \
+filter{content-cookies} \
annoyances} \
+filter{no-popups} \
+filter{nimda} \
+filter{banners-by-size} \

are all set up
in the "default.actions" file to operate on all URLs, but I have been able
to test that at least "html-annoyances", "js-annoyances", and "no-
popups" are not functioning on a number of places. I am assuming
that the other filters are not working too. There are no error
messages, or log entries that mention filtering. There is a
"default.filter" reference ("filterfile default.filter") on a line in
"config.txt", and it is in the same directory.

I do have a
user.action file, but it doesn't touch filtering. - just a few items in the
"+block" section (and ".swf" added to the imagelist).




  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2002-05-30

    Logged In: YES

    This is likely to go nowhere unless someone can duplicate
    this. So a few URLs would be good in order to:

    a) verify the behavior (and still exists in devel version)
    b) determine if it is a privoxy bug
    c) or just some clever new way for site designers to annoy
    users that the developers have not run across yet.

    Jon or OES, do filter crunches get logged? If so, would it
    be worthwhile to show as 'action crunch' or 'filter crunch'?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Here is an example of filtering not working straight from the default.filter

    # Kill OnUnload popups. Yummy. Test:

    I still get

    I've also noticed that pages seem to load piecemeal even
    though I thought that when filtering was on they were buffered, filtered and
    "fed" to the browser all at once.

    Just to be difficult, I have also noticed
    oddities in the {-block} operation. I have:


    in the
    {+block} section but:


    the {-block} section. If I try the URL:


    I get the "Request
    Blocked" Privoxy page. If I


    to the {-block} section (or
    anything more specific) I get through just fine. If I reduce it


    I again get the "Request Blocked
    Privoxy page!

    Is this weird or what??

    Any comments?

  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2002-06-13

    Logged In: YES

    Do you get the popup just accessing that page, or filling in
    the form? Here I don't get it just accessing the page (with
    either Mozilla or NS) on Linux, but it does not look like
    because Privoxy has done anything. What browser, IE?

    Try this in your -block


    As to the matching problem, for paths I believe you either
    have to match the full path (meaning the part after the
    domain), or use wildcards in there, so the pattern will expand. /path/to/downloads/here/
    ^ ^
    domain part path part

    So in this example just '/downloads/' would only match if it
    were immediately after Something like
    '/.*/downloads/' would match if there was always something
    between the domain part and the word 'downloads' in the path
    part. Then '/(.*/)?downloads/' takes care of both
    situations. The '?' makes the () part of it conditional. You
    should treat the domain and path as separate concepts when
    matching (yes, this is somewhat confusing).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The popup only occurs on unload (i.e. when closing the window or going to
    another webpage). I believe both NS and Mozilla have the ability to stop (all)
    popups. Not that it should make any difference, but I'm using Opera

    I should mention that even though I forgot to paste the line in my
    reply message, the following:


    IS in the default.filter file to kill these
    popups. (I haven't removed it.)

    Thanks for the matching help! I
    didn't realize that the path matching had to start from root. I thought the
    pattern could exist anywhere in the path.

  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2002-06-18

    Logged In: YES

    But that page uses:

    function checkforpopup() {

    At least AFAICT with limited js knowledge. I don't see a
    'onunload' on that page.

    That being said, I sitll don't get a pop-up following links
    at the bottom of the page. Probably is not privoxy though.

    As to Mozilla's pop-up blocking, I've tried it, and it
    caused me grief, so it is off. It is all or none, and breaks
    some sites without every giving a hint as to why. Good idea,
    but needs some flexibility and some easy way to turn off per

    OK, I take that first part back. I didn't dig deep enough.
    Further down I see:

    <body never="checkforpopup();" vlink="#ff0033"
    action="" method=post

    See the 'never'? So back to why filtering isn't working for

    I don't think 2.9.14 supported multiple actionsfiles (like
    user.action). That is just in cvs devel version AFAIK. So
    what is your actionsfile definition in config.txt? Please
    try just a stock config.txt, and see what happens. Remember
    to flush caches.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Well, that was it, I was trying to use two ".action" files. There is mention of
    setting up multiple action files in the texts somewhere, but it doesn't point
    out that it isn't functioning in the current "shipping" version.

    user.action was working in that anything I added to it was blocked, but I
    didn't have any mention of filtering (which must be turned off by default).

    Thanks, and sorry for the trouble

  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2002-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    Hey, no problem.

    Actually, the confusion is part the developers fault.

    We started doing odd/even versions for development version
    (cvs), and public releases. Since 2.9.14, there have not
    been many big changes, but one is the configuration issue,
    you ran into. The other thing is we have always published
    docs on the website that were more or less in sync with the
    current release. There was also some major work on the docs
    to improve them overall during this time span. Publishing
    these was a mistake, since it is leading to confusion, and
    2.9.15 (cvs version), is not available publicly. And this
    where those doc versions come from.

    That being said, part of the rationale for having those docs
    on the website is to 'show off' the latest features, and we
    thought most people would read the docs that should be
    installed locally, if they were already using privoxy.

    Note to team: we need to address this.

  • Hal Burgiss

    Hal Burgiss - 2002-06-21
    • status: open --> closed

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