
#201 Compatibility with international versions of SNOMED


The translations of SNOMED CT are made in the terms and not in fullyspecifiedname of concepts, they always remain in English. code performs the search in the field sct_cocepts.fullyspecifiedname, so did not work on the international versions.
The modification is that the search is performed in sct_descriptions.term, making it compatible with any international version of SNOMED.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-01-03

    Hi BestenIT,
    Didn't realize this. Is there a link to your code?

  • BestenIT

    BestenIT - 2013-01-03

    Hi bradymiller,

    I'm preparing a patch file with the differences compared to version 4.1.1 - patch 8, I'll upload soon as I have.

    BestenIT ( is a Spanish company specialized in eHealth, we are a group of professionals with extensive experience in IT solutions for the world of health.

    We have a special interest in working with the OpenEMR project, we plan to provide our services in Spanish and Latin American market offering a SAAS model to our end customers.

    To do this, we would like to join the project and appear as professional support OpenEMR official website, initially for Spain.

    This first contribution comes from the need to use the Spanish version of SNOMED in OpenEMR, but I think it would be valid for any translation.


  • BestenIT

    BestenIT - 2013-01-03

    Patch file for compatibility with international versions of SNOMED

  • BestenIT

    BestenIT - 2013-01-03

    Hi bradymiller,

    After reviewing the code only applies to the Spanish version of SNOMED, since the search is performed to concepts that contain "trastorno", Spanish translation of "disorder".

    Can be improved by creating a global variable containing the translation into the local language “disorder” and then it would be for any language.


  • BestenIT

    BestenIT - 2013-01-05

    Hi bradymiller.

    We will follow your instructions.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-01-28

    Just checking if you've done any work here. I was going to start playing arund with the switch over to the sct_descriptions table for another reason (if you haven't done this). I am not doing this explicitly for internationalization, but because it will likely provide an easy way to search for the 'disorder' keyword and remove it in the output (by searching via DescriptionType = 3, but then using it where DescriptionType=1).

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-01-31

    Currently have this working (I also added support for importing the Spanish snomed dataset) and am in process of testing it. Guessing it will get committed to the official codebase within the month.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-02-08

    This feature was committed to the official developer codebase on sourceforge. It will be part of the future 4.1.2 release.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-02-08
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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