
#1016 7-zip can not handle Windows symbolic links properly.


Windows Vista comes with symbolic links functionality, but 7z always read them as zero-length files. It should either follow the links or store the links as is, but I think in Windows platform following the links is preferred.


  • Lifeboat Foundation

    If 7z could at least recommend some other command line program to create an archive with correct symbolic links that 7z could then zip up, this would be appreciated.

    And my preference is to store the links as is.

    • Andrew Peter Marlow

      Some people will prefer the link to be followed, others not. That's why unix archive tools give you the option. By default these tools don't follow the link then there is option to follow links. That's what's needed here.

  • ruvim

    ruvim - 2012-11-05

    Also 7zip should distinguish symbolic links and directory junctions.

  • ruvim

    ruvim - 2012-11-05

    There should be three options for symlinks: store it as link, store the target (as ordinal file or directory), ignore (skip).
    The same options should be available separately for directory junctions (mount points).

  • UncleSam

    UncleSam - 2014-01-06

    I think this is a must have feature push

  • Serge

    Serge - 2015-06-03

    any update on this?

  • Patrix87

    Patrix87 - 2016-01-20

    It was fixed.

    I'm looking for a way to NOT copy symbolic links now...

  • homay2

    homay2 - 2017-11-22

    No, it was not fixed. 7-Zip does archive the contents of JUNCTION'ed and SYMLINKD'ed folders, but NTFS symlinks to files are still archived as 0-byte files with L attribute (as of 17.01 beta x64). See also
    When creating a .tar archive, symlinks to files are added properly, as can be seen in the attached files.


    Last edit: homay2 2017-11-22

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