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wxIntelliTable Library 2011-07-05
readme.txt 2011-07-03 1.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   1.1 kB 0
wxIntelliTable  (C) D.Nailon 2011.

The premise behind wxIntelliTable was that all of my software nowadays relies on 2 dimensional tables, that require save, load, sort etc. All the functions that a fully fledged database would provide, but without the overhead.

I am building this smallish library to plug in to my programs which should take care of my table requirements.

Basically, to create a 2 dimensional data structure, we can just "CREATE" a table.
Then we just set our data structures "ADD_Column("ID",0,INTEGER);" // SIMPLE
Then we can simply "SET((int)record,(int)column,2);" data to it.
we can "SORT", "SAVE", "LOAD" our data.

If we have built our GUI with a listview, we can magically populate it with "PRINTLISTVIEW(ListViewHandle);"
Same with TreeView.

All relatively basic stuff, but so repetitive that it warranted it's own library and class.
It is also a work in progress, so any features that people add, improve or finish would be greatly appreciated.

The Solution has 2 projects. The library and the GUI. The gui is there to test the library and to show how the library is used.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-07-03