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WEBCR - WEB Cash Register

WEBCR system is an open source product developed by Miguel Jorge S. S. Sousa


Here are the steps to follow: * create a new database with name webcr * import DB file webcr.sql to newly created database * modify connection.php file accordingly * run the application and register yourself * login and use it

for any further assistance please contact me on my email migueljorgesousa@hotmail.com

I am good in web-based database application development. Let me know if I can help you resolving your problem.

1. Create a new database with name webcr

These instructions are intended for creating a MySQL database on Linux via the command line.

First we’ll login to the MySQL server from the command line with the following command:

          $ mysql -u root -p

In this case, I’ve specified the user root with the -u flag, and then used the -p flag so MySQL prompts for a password. Enter your current password to complete the login.

You should now be at a MySQL prompt that looks very similar to this:


or in case of MariaDB:

          MariaDB [(none)]>

To create a database with the name webcr type the following command:

          CREATE DATABASE webcr;

2. Import DB file webcr.sql to newly created database

          mysql> use webcr;
            mysql> source webcr.sql;

3. Modify connection.php file accordingly

Using vi:

          $ vi connection.php

Change accordingly:

            $host="localhost" //change to your host
            $db_user="root"   //change if mysql user <> root
            $db_password=""   //put the password
            $db="webcr"       //change if database <> webcr
                             Don't change below                   
            $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $db_username, $db_password)
                    or die ('Error Cannot Connect to MySQL');
                    @mysqli_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");




WEBCR uses several projects to work properly:

  • MySQL - #1 database for Web-based applications
  • PHP - widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language

And of course WEBCR itself is open source with a public repository on Sourceforge.

Readmes, how to use them in your own application can be found here:


Want to contribute? Great! Email me: migueljorgesousa@hotmail.com


  • Write Tests
  • Add Code Comments


GPL 3.0 --- Free Software, Hell Yeah!

Source: readme.md, updated 2015-10-22