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README for websphere

This is a boot script for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) by IBM for use with Linux systems. I wrote it
for an employer and they were kind enough to give me permission to release it as my own code. 

This script has been tested and is in production - but I have only ever used it on SuSE! This is why it 
should be considered "beta" at best.


To INSTALL this startup script, do the following as root:

0) Unzip waslinuxinit.zip to extract the file "websphere" and this README.

1) Modify the file "websphere" for server specifics. 

Around line 88 of this file there are defined several constants. The ones you want to change are:

SERVERNAME - the name of the server. I've set this to the IBM default. You need to change it to whatever you called the server.
WASBINDIR - the directory where startServer.sh and stopServer.sh are found.

Do NOT put the username or password for the administrator here. That comes later!!!

2) Put "websphere" in /etc/init.d (SuSE/Ubuntu/Debian), /etc/rc.d/init.d/ (Fedora), or the equivalent for your own system. Set ownership to
root.root, if it isn't set to that already. Set permissions so that only root may write the file.

3) If you haven't already done so, cd to /etc/init.d (or the equivalent, see above) and execute the following commands:

touch washelp
chmod 700 washelp
echo "USERNAME=\"username\"" > washelp
echo "PASSWORD=\"password\"" >> washelp

where username is the name of the administrative user in WAS, and password is the administrative user's password.

4) Test the script by running each of the following at least once:

./websphere start
./websphere stop
./websphere restart
./websphere help

5) When you are satisfied that it works correctly, run:

insserv websphere


As per the BSD license this software comes with no guarantees. That said, if you find a bug or a way to improve it, let
me know at <maxomai@gmail.com> and I'll almost certainly fix it.
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-06-27