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Readme 2014-12-25

* What is Go?
  Go is a board game originating from ancient China. Its rules are very simple
but the game variations are so many so that even no two games are same. It is a
very interesting game, you can learn its rules by searching "how to play go" on
the Internet. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to learn the rules.

* What is Go engine?
  Go engine is a program that communicating with other program using a protocol.
Although you can play with the Go engine directly, it is more reasonable to use
an interface program to communicate with the Go engine.

* What is Tgo?
  Tgo is an open source Go engine. Tgo is licensed under Apache License v2.

* What are the platforms supported by Tgo?
  Currently, Tgo is building and running on Windows 98/XP.

* What environment is required to build Tgo?
  You need to install MSYS-1.0.8 and MinGW-3.0.0.

* How to build Tgo?
  Extract Tgo to a directory then type make at the Tgo top directory. There are
two build variants - debug build and release build.

  First, run MSYS to open a shell.

  Then change to the Tgo top directory. For example,

    $ cd /c/tgo

  For debug build,

    $ export BUILD_TYPE=dbg
    $ make

  For release build,

    $ export BUILD_TYPE=rel
    $ make

  You can find the output files under the out directory.

* What commands are supported by Tgo?
  Tgo uses Go Text Protocol, you can use the list_commands command to list the
commands supported by Tgo. Some commands have comments as followed:

  . boardsize <integer>
    Now, only support 9.

  . final_status_list dead
    Only support this command to list dead stones.

  . tgo_player <color> <integer> <integer>
    Uses this command to change Tgo player and level. The first <integer>
    specifies the player, now 0 and 1. The next <integer> specifies the level,
    0 to 10, 0 means default, 1 is the weakest and 10 is the strongest.

    For example, use this command to use player 1 level 3 for black

        tgo_player b 1 3

    Now, Tgo has two players: T0 and T1.

    T0 is a policy player.

    T1 is a Monte-Carlo tree search player.
Source: Readme, updated 2014-12-25