Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
src 2011-03-19
README 2011-03-01 2.4 kB
svnindexer-0.1.2-binary-lean.zip 2011-03-01 178.8 kB
Totals: 3 Items   181.2 kB 3
SvnIndexer for GDS 0.1.2, by Yan_sino (yan.sino@gmail.com)
Published on SF.net : http://svnindexer.sourceforge.net


svnindexer gives the ability of crawling into a Subversion 
repository to Google Desktop Search.


First ensure Google Desktop Search is installed. And the "use extended indexing"
option should also be enabled.

If you downloaded the lean version (single executable file with detoured.dll),
You need to:

1 have Subversion 1.6 or above installed. It should
also be reachable through the PATH environment variable.

2 have both Microsoft VC9 runtime (above 9.0.21022.8) and VC8 Runtime
(above 8.0.50727.4053) installed on your computer. They can be downloaded at MS website:

- VC9: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=A5C84275-3B97-4AB7-A40D-3802B2AF5FC2
- VC8: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=766a6af7-ec73-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2

Before you index a repository, register the executable with GDS.

    svnidx -R

After this you can index a repository like below:

    svnidx -a svn://somewhere -u username -p password

Just replace the arguments to match your configuration to connect.
If your repository supports anonymous access, you can omit -u and
-p options.

The index process starts immediately. Files processed get shown on screen.

After all files in the HEAD revision (when the program starts) is accessed,
the program exits.

You should be able to see those entries from your repository in GDS.
If you have TortoiseSVN installed, clicking on a link will open the
containing directory in TortoiseSVN.

You can use the following command to unregister the executable from GDS.

    svnidx -U

Consult svnidx -h for a list of all command line options.


- Handles only limited text file extensions.
- Skips Unrecognized files, but on-screen log shows them with "OK" status.
- Mixes VC 9.0 and VC 8.0 dll, which bloats the installer size.
- Does not currently support pdf files, they are skipped.



#3180549 The program runs, but nothing is indexed into GDS

0.1.1 A Bugfix Release
#3165360 Office IFilter incompatibiliy
#3169709 Does not work on branches
#3171447 Failure Getting URL escaped files
#3172921 Runtime Error after a couple of runs 

0.1.0 Initial Release

Source: README, updated 2011-03-01