Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ssch 2012-02-14
readme.txt 2012-02-08 2.0 kB
readme-jp.txt 2012-02-08 2.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   4.6 kB 0
SSCH (Security Status Cheker)
Last Update  : 2012/02/08

About SSCH
SSCH is a security checker with transition graph to trace the vulnerabilities up to its effects.
This tool clarifies the vulnerabilities which exist in the following software.

- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Adobe Air
- Adobe Flash Player
- Apple iTunes
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Excel Viewer
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Sun Java JRE

SSCH uses the following information. 

- [NVD (National Vulnerability Database)](http://nvd.nist.gov/)
- [CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration)](http://cwe.mitre.org/)
- [CAPEC (Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification)](http://capec.mitre.org/)

You need to install the following information on your computer.

- GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/)

SSCH Perl script is using following modules.

- File::Basename
- HTTP::Request::Common
- LWP::UserAgent
- XML::Simple
- XML::Parser
- XML::Parser::Expat
- Win32::Registry
- Data::Dumper
- GraphViz
- HTML::Template


1. Unzip download file at arbitrary folder.
- Open up a cmd.
- Browse the folder which unzip files.
- Type command 'ssch'.
- SSCH output result to 'result' folder.

Usage:  ssch.exe [NvdFeed]
NvdFeed :
        m    : modified
        r    : recent
        2011 : in 2011
        2012 : in 2012

Result Report
SSCH will output report to "result/index.html".
Please open the file by your blowser.

Request for cooperation
We are collecting the information on installed software, in order to evaluate a tool.
Please send your information if you agree.

For information or requests, contact:

Masato Jingu

Web: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ssch/
Email: masato-j (at) is (dot) naist (dot) jp

Licensing and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Masato Jingu. All Rights Reserved.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-02-08