Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
DeckGenerator.jar 2011-08-18 1.1 MB
Server.tar 2011-07-16 1.6 MB
Admin.jar 2011-07-16 1.2 MB
README 2011-04-15 1.4 kB
Replayer.jar 2011-04-11 1.3 MB
Client.jar 2011-04-07 1.2 MB
SPREE_Introduction-AIGames2011.pdf 2011-03-27 179.2 kB
Totals: 7 Items   6.6 MB 0
Strathclyde Poker Research Environment - README

The files here are packaged as release versions.

Server.tar includes all the files required to run the server. Simply extract them and run server.jar . The file db.config contains the configuration for the database connection, alter these to match your server. Database_Schema.sql contains the SQL you will need to deploy the database to your MySQL server. The histories and recordings folders are where the server will store log files from the games that the server plays. The gamedef folder stores the definition files that the server will use.

Client.jar is a runnable version of the client for distribution.

Replayer.jar is a runnable version of the replayer for log analysis.

Admin.jar allows administration of an active SPREE server, including the creation of user records, altering of user bank balance (initially users balance is set to $0 and they cannot play) and creation of tables within the SPREE Casino. Note that initially there is no authorised admin account in a blank SPREE database - this must be injected by hand into the database. I will address this in the next release.

Source Code for all aspects, including the Bot Framework is available from the project's SVN. What is included in this area is simply the distributable for those who want to use SPREE rather than alter it.
Source: README, updated 2011-04-15