Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Older Versions 2023-10-25
Other Utilities 2015-01-16
README.txt 2023-10-25 7.5 kB
Div B 2023-2024 SO Scoring System V23.xlsm 2023-10-25 847.7 kB
Div C 2023-2024 SO Scoring System V23.xlsm 2023-10-25 847.0 kB
Test Data Populated SO Scoring System V18.xlsm 2019-10-02 1.0 MB
SO scoring best practices V1.pdf 2015-01-19 1.9 MB
SO Scoring Guidelines _ Score Counseling Checklist 2014 V6.docx 2014-04-07 34.7 kB
SO Scoring Guidelines _ Score Counseling Checklist 2014 V6.pdf 2014-04-07 94.4 kB
Totals: 9 Items   4.8 MB 8
There are 3 file variations available above:

	-Division C: pre-populated with current year's events
	-Division B: pre-populated with current year's events
	-Test Data: demo pre-populated with old data and settings / errors

Current version: 23

NOTE:  MS Excel 2008 for Mac does NOT support macros of any type, thus much of the functionality of this system will not be available.  Virtually any other version of MS Office for Windows or Mac will work though.

Older versions are placed in the Older Versions folder for archiving.

The Scoring Guidelines files can help explain to event supervisors the scoring process and provide checklists for use during score counseling.

The SO Scoring Best Practices document provides a detailed overview of how scoring is run at the national tournament level, along with suggested tips for implementing the same processes at other tournaments.

When downloading the files, often you will get a choice to either 'Open With Excel' or 'Save to Disk'. Use the "Save As" option in Excel to first save a copy to your local hard drive somewhere and prevent the file from opening in Read-Only mode (which prevents changes from being made to it). 

Some systems get a "Compile Error; Can't find project or library" message when opening up the spreadsheet. Go to the 'Common Problems' section of the wiki <http://sourceforge.net/p/soscoring/wiki/Home/> for a simple resolution to this.

Be sure to also click on the Mailing Lists link above to subscribe to the email list and recieve prompt notices when updated versions are posted.

Change Log:

-Initial Release

-Added copying of sort order selection to import data macro auto function
-Added a note about sort order selection to import data macro manual function
-Added ability to set arbitrary Team #s on setup sheet, including no team #s at all if desired
-Changed Printable Medals List so that blanks are displayed instead of error messages when data is missing
-Added option to change Printable Medals List order to either 1st rank shown on top row or last rank shown on top row
-Added option to change PPT Presentation List order to either 1st rank shown on top row or last rank shown on top row
-Added option to select an image file to set as the PPT Presentation background
-Added option to select which events to create PPT slides for
-Added option to select which events to print out from Printable Medals List
-Added code to automatically check SourceForge project website for updated scoring system each time spreadsheet is opened up
-Added additional automatic tie breaking for teams on Master sheet which should break ties in almost all cases now
-Set default score order to low score wins for Mousetrap Vehicle and Gravity Vehicle

-Improvements to the make blank event sheet macro to include rank sort macro

-Updated events for 2012-2013 season

-Combined team names / states into 1 cell on event and master score sheets and reduced the overall column width
-Updated the row shading on all sheets to be in more readable groups of three instead of alternating lines
-Rotated event names 180 degrees on master sheet to improve readability
-Added code to print sheet macro to automatically switch between landscape / portrait orientations depending on the size of the Master sheet
(Thanks to Connor Duffy for suggesting all of the above)
-Added correlation check between overall team rankings and individual event rankings.  A warning will now display on event pages if the score sort order is likely incorrect (e.g. low score wins selected instead of high score wins)
-Added ability to turn off warning messages on master sheet during printing via a pop up message box when using the print sheet button
-Minor formatting changes on the printable medals page

-Fixed "Div/O" message on stand alone scoresheet in the sort order box
-Added a field to the setup tab to provide tournament specific info such as HQ location, phone number, website, etc
-Updated sheet instructions to indicate tier column is optional
-Fixed an error on the stand alone scoresheet regarding raw data missing error showing up if extra data was copied to hidden team rows
-Fixed row heights of rank-sorted master scoresheet to be uniform
-Added feature to unselect by default any events in error state on printable medal list printout and export to PPT function

-Added button to toggle gridlines on printable score sheet
-Fixed Div/0 error that sometimes showed up in the sort orders box on event pages
-Added functionality to copy team ns/dq status from setup page to all events and standalone blank score sheet
-Removed extra data links in standalone blank score sheet pointing back to master spreadsheet

-Prepopulated with 2013-2014 event names
-Created new printable medal sheet print dialog checkbox options for landscape vs. portrait printing and one event per page printing
-Fixed minor bug in create standalone blank scoresheet macro that prevented the sort macro from being transferred in some situations
-Added the import data from another workbook button on the standalone scoresheets that are created
-Added red highlighting of any ns or dq scores on master sheet
-Set default low score wins for Bungee Drop, Scrambler, Wheeled Vehicle

-Updated change events macro to update printable medals page as well
-Fixed bug in one event per page macro on printable medal sheet
-Added checkbox option to hide (by default) raw scores / tiers / ties on printable medal sheet to allow for much bigger text on printouts
-Added tournament name and division to page header of printable medal sheet
-Updated setup sheet to treat teams with blank school names as No Shows, regardless of Compete status setting
-Added a manual macro to group set teams as no shows based upon patterns in their team # (e.g. to show different results for big vs. small school teams that compete at the same time)

-Prepopulated with 2014-2015 event names
-Set default low score wins for Bungee Drop
-Fixed bug related to the first team not being rank sorted correctly that appeared in certain rare situations

-Added button/macro to set max points per event to any value less than # of teams (e.g. enable scoring such as 1st-9th places = 1-9 points, 10th - 30th places = 10 points)

-Fixed issue where teams with blank scores in events were getting 0 points, vs the NS points they should have gotten
-Changed print buttons to open print dialog instead of printing directly to default printer

-Added warning when event names are changed to run change event macro

-Updated events for 2015-2016 season

-Updated events for 2016-2017 season

-Updated events for 2017-2018 season

-Updated events for 2018-2019 season

-Updated events for 2019-2020 season
-Added window that allows design changes to the layout of the results PPT
-Updated MergePPT macro in results PPT to provide option to not merge final team result slides

-Added ability to set Max Points on a per event level
-Files are now modern .xlsm types instead of legacy .xls types
-Removed red highlighting from rank sorted master sheet

-Changed season to 2020-2021

-Changed season to 2021-2022

-Changed season to 2022-2023

-Added additional customizations options for the results slide show

-Changed season to 2023-2024
Source: README.txt, updated 2023-10-25