Home / snifflib_tutorials
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
readme 2011-03-24 1.1 kB
xppbettyinmatlab.m 2011-03-24 1.6 kB
XppBettyInMatlab.swf 2011-03-24 5.5 MB
xppode_API_in_matlab.swf 2011-01-20 18.3 MB
snifflib_matlab_tutorial1a.swf 2010-06-28 11.5 MB
Totals: 5 Items   35.3 MB 0

Flash vidcap tutorial on the use of the Snifflib reposconfig package
and the xppauttools package.  This particular demonstration runs within
the MATLAB <www.mathworks.com> JAVA virtual machine and takes advantage
of MATLAB's graphical environment to plot results and do some basic 
statistics.  The JAVA code is of course fully portable and could be run in
any other JAVA virtual machine, Applet, or JAVA standalone program etc.


XppBetty is the parallel batch server for Bard Ermentrout's Xppaut program.
In this demo we show how to run 20 concurrent Xpp simulations all from within 
a MATLAB session.  The transcript of that demo can be found 
in the file xppbettyinmatlab.m


This m-file gives the commands needed to step-by-step 
regenerate the demo you can view in XppBettyInMatlab.swf.


Great for beginners! Shows very basic use of snifflib and it's 
linear algebra functionality all from within a MATLAB session.  
Highlighted are how you can copy a MATLAB matrix into a Snifflib 
DblMatrix and vice-versa.

Source: readme, updated 2011-03-24