
Could 7-zip use openssl for encryption?

  • Christopher Hotchkiss

    Does anyone know how difficult it would be to have 7-zip use openssl's implementation of SHA-256 and AES-256 to encrypt 7z files? I am looking to use 7-zip in an environment that prefers FIPS 140-2 and reusing the existing openssl certification would be nice.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2010-06-05

    I like my current 7-Zip's implementation of AES and SHA-256.
    I don't think that openssl's code is better.
    BTW, what the difference?

  • Christopher Hotchkiss

    There isn't a technical difference, more a legal / risk compliance one.

    Basically if you are using encryption in a place that mandates the FIPS 140-2 standard (US Federal Government, Canadian Government, large banks) you must get your code certified by an independent laboratory. This is a very expensive and time consuming task and costs at least $10,000 each time you have to get it certified (ie every time you change a version). There is an industry group that pays to get each version of openssl certified for anyone to use. So if you link against openssl in fips mode you can outsource the encryption to that module and gain the certification status.

    I know this is an edge use case for 7-zip, I was just wondering if you would be open to the idea / patches to link against openssl at compile time.

  • ftsf

    ftsf - 2010-06-07

    In that case, you should not use 7zip internal encryption. Just use the compression feature of 7-zip and then use the encryption feature of Openssl. For example: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.7z -out file.7z.enc

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2010-06-07

    I will not change my AES code to openssl.

  • Christopher Hotchkiss

    ftsf, Thats a good point!

    ipavlov, I completely understand. Thanks!

  • Jim Sloey

    Jim Sloey - 2010-06-16

    Igor - Can you explain how encryption is used from the command line?
    I'm not prompted and I don't see any way to add a password or generate a key using 7zip from the command line:
       7zip   -a   -memAES256   archive.7z   directory1/
    BTW - I'm compressing/encrypting on Solaris 10 and decompressing on 64bit windows

  • Jim Sloey

    Jim Sloey - 2010-06-16

    Never mind… I got it. Thanks

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-17

    In that case, you should not use 7zip internal encryption. Just use the compression feature of 7-zip and then use the encryption feature of Openssl. For example: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.7z -out file.7z.enc

  • RichRumble

    RichRumble - 2010-06-24

    What about using another 140-2 approved crypto library like libgcrypt We have clients that pay through the nose just to use Pkware's SecureZip, and never even use the password protection! It may even be a way to sell 7zip to gov't institutions, if not certified itself, the crypo could be;and I'm sure there is no REAL fundamental difference between what you use and openssl/libgcrypt, but on paper "there is a difference". I don't think it's a real edge case, I'm encountering it more and more, companies who aren't gov't, are adopting NIST standards all the time with small and large companies alike.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2010-06-25

    I don't want to sell 7-zip to gov't institutions. I'd like to be far from them.


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