
Installing via MacPorts

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  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-07

    These are the MacPorts dependencies for OS X:

    py25-gtk                       @2.16.0         python/py25-gtk
    py25-gtkglext                  @1.1.0          python/py25-gtkglext
    py25-ode                       @1.2.0          python/py25-ode
    py25-opengl                    @3.0.1b2        python/py25-opengl

    Unfortunately currently the gtkglext-gtk2 port is broken, but there is already a fix. It is not yet released, but applying the patches manually already works fine. I expect the patches to be released in the next days.
    Here's the ticket:

  • flatline

    flatline - 2010-08-26

    Hi Lilalinux,

    thanx for the links. Installed all, but no luck with Pycam. Exits with a "Failed to initialize the interactive 3D model view.
    Please install 'python-gtkglext1' to enable it.", but py25-gtkglext is installed.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanx in advance

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-26

    How did you install py25-gtkglext?
    Did you create a local macports repository and applied the patches?
    As I wrote: The py25-gtkglext version in the officiel repository is broken (see the link in the initial post)

  • flatline

    flatline - 2010-08-26

    Oh, it installed without an error, so I thought the repository has already been updated.

    I just installed py25-gtkglext.

    Honestly, I have no clue. First time using macport.

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-26

    Please post the output of:
    port list |grep py25

  • flatline

    flatline - 2010-08-26

    py25-MMTK                      @2.7.1          python/py25-MMTK
    py25-WebHelpers                @0.3.4          python/py25-WebHelpers
    py25-altgraph                  @0.7.0          python/py25-altgraph
    py25-anyjson                   @0.2.2          python/py25-anyjson
    py25-appscript                 @0.19.0         python/py25-appscript
    py25-apptools                  @3.2.0          python/py25-apptools
    py25-asn1                      @0.0.9a         python/py25-asn1
    py25-aspects                   @1.1            python/py25-aspects
    py25-authkit                   @0.3.0pre5      python/py25-authkit
    py25-baz                       @1.5.3          python/py25-baz
    py25-bdist_mpkg                @0.4.4          python/py25-bdist_mpkg
    py25-beaker                    @1.0.2          python/py25-beaker
    py25-beautifulsoup             @3.0.7a         python/py25-beautifulsoup
    py25-biggles                   @1.6.5          python/py25-biggles
    py25-biopython                 @1.54           python/py25-biopython
    py25-boto                      @1.8d           python/py25-boto
    py25-bsddb                     @2.5.4          python/py25-bsddb
    py25-buzhug                    @1.5            python/py25-buzhug
    py25-bz2                       @2.5.4          python/py25-bz2
    py25-cairo                     @1.8.2          python/py25-cairo
    py25-celementtree              @1.0.5-20051216 python/py25-celementtree
    py25-chardet                   @1.0            python/py25-chardet
    py25-chart                     @1.39           python/py25-chart
    py25-checker                   @0.8.18         python/py25-checker
    py25-cheetah                   @2.0.1          python/py25-cheetah
    py25-cherrypy                  @2.3.0          python/py25-cherrypy
    py25-cherrypy3                 @3.1.1          python/py25-cherrypy3
    py25-chm                       @0.8.4          python/py25-chm
    py25-cjson                     @1.0.5          python/py25-cjson
    py25-clientcookie              @1.3.0          python/py25-clientcookie
    py25-clientform                @0.2.9          python/py25-clientform
    py25-clonedigger               @1.0.3-beta     python/py25-clonedigger
    py25-colormath                 @1.0.4          python/py25-colormath
    py25-cometd                    @0.2            python/py25-cometd
    py25-configobj                 @4.5.2          python/py25-configobj
    py25-construct                 @2.00           python/py25-construct
    py25-couchdb                   @0.6            python/py25-couchdb
    py25-couchdbkit                @0.2.1          python/py25-couchdbkit
    py25-coverage                  @3.3.1          python/py25-coverage
    py25-crypto                    @2.0.1          python/py25-crypto
    py25-cssutils                  @        python/py25-cssutils
    py25-ctags                     @1.0.5          python/py25-ctags
    py25-curl                      @7.19.0         python/py25-curl
    py25-curses                    @2.5.4          python/py25-curses
    py25-cvxopt                    @1.1.2          python/py25-cvxopt
    py25-cython                    @0.11.2         python/py25-cython
    py25-daemon                    @1.0.1          python/py25-daemon
    py25-dap                       @        python/py25-dap
    py25-dateutil                  @1.5            python/py25-dateutil
    py25-decorator                 @2.3.1          python/py25-decorator
    py25-decoratortools            @1.7            python/py25-decoratortools
    py25-demjson                   @1.4            python/py25-demjson
    py25-dice3ds                   @0.11           python/py25-dice3ds
    py25-distribute                @0.6.14         python/py25-distribute
    py25-distutils-extra           @1.91.2         python/py25-distutils-extra
    py25-django                    @1.2.1          python/py25-django
    py25-dns                       @2.3.3          python/py25-dns
    py25-dnspython                 @1.8.0          python/py25-dnspython
    py25-docutils                  @0.5            python/py25-docutils
    py25-dot                       @1.0.2          python/py25-dot
    py25-dpkt                      @1.7            python/py25-dpkt
    py25-elementtree               @1.2.6-20050316 python/py25-elementtree
    py25-elixir                    @0.7.1          python/py25-elixir
    py25-enthoughtbase             @3.0.2          python/py25-enthoughtbase
    py25-envisagecore              @3.1.0          python/py25-envisagecore
    py25-envisageplugins           @3.1.0          python/py25-envisageplugins
    py25-epydoc                    @3.0.1          python/py25-epydoc
    py25-exif                      @1.0.2          python/py25-exif
    py25-eyed3                     @0.6.14         python/py25-eyed3
    py25-fabric                    @0.1.1          python/py25-fabric
    py25-feedparser                @4.1            python/py25-feedparser
    py25-fipy                      @2.0.2          python/py25-fipy
    py25-flup             python/py25-flup
    py25-formencode                @1.2.2          python/py25-formencode
    py25-freebase                  @1.01           python/py25-freebase
    py25-game                      @1.9.1          python/py25-game
    py25-gd                        @0.56           python/py25-gd
    py25-gdata                     @2.0.10         python/py25-gdata
    py25-gdbm                      @2.5.4          python/py25-gdbm
    py25-genshi                    @0.5.1          python/py25-genshi
    py25-geoip                     @1.2.4          python/py25-geoip
    py25-geopy                     @0.93           python/py25-geopy
    py25-gnome                     @2.28.1         python/py25-gnome
    py25-gnupg                     @0.3.2          python/py25-gnupg
    py25-gnuplot                   @1.8            python/py25-gnuplot
    py25-gobject                   @2.21.3         python/py25-gobject
    py25-goocanvas                 @0.10.0         python/py25-goocanvas
    py25-googleappengine           @1.3.4          python/py25-googleappengine
    py25-gsl                       @0.9.1          python/py25-gsl
    py25-gst-python                @0.10.18        python/py25-gst-python
    py25-gtk                       @2.17.0         python/py25-gtk
    py25-gtkglext                  @1.1.0          python/py25-gtkglext
    py25-h5py                      @1.3.0          python/py25-h5py
    py25-hashlib                   @2.5.4          python/py25-hashlib
    py25-hcluster                  @0.2.0          python/py25-hcluster
    py25-hgsvn                     @0.1.8          python/py25-hgsvn
    py25-htmlcalendar              @1.1.1          python/py25-htmlcalendar
    py25-htmltemplate              @1.5.0          python/py25-htmltemplate
    py25-htmltmpl                  @1.22           python/py25-htmltmpl
    py25-httplib2                  @2-0.6.0        python/py25-httplib2
    py25-hypy                      @0.8.3          python/py25-hypy
    py25-icalendar                 @1.2            python/py25-icalendar
    py25-id3lib                    @0.5.1          python/py25-id3lib
    py25-igraph                    @0.5.3          python/py25-igraph
    py25-imdb                      @4.0            python/py25-imdb
    py25-iniparse                  @0.3.1          python/py25-iniparse
    py25-ipy                       @0.70           python/py25-ipy
    py25-ipython                   @0.10           python/py25-ipython
    py25-jinja                     @1.2            python/py25-jinja
    py25-jinja2                    @2.1.1          python/py25-jinja2
    py25-keyczar                   @0.6b           python/py25-keyczar
    py25-kid                       @0.9.6          python/py25-kid
    py25-kqueue                    @2.0.1          python/py25-kqueue
    py25-ldap                      @2.3.7          python/py25-ldap
    py25-lepton                    @1.0b2          python/py25-lepton
    py25-levenshtein               @0.10.1         python/py25-levenshtein
    py25-libdnet                   @1.12           python/py25-libdnet
    py25-libgmail                  @0.1.11         python/py25-libgmail
    py25-liblzma                   @0.5.2          python/py25-liblzma
    py25-libmemcached              @0.13.1         python/py25-libmemcached
    py25-libxml2                   @2.6.21         python/py25-libxml2
    py25-libxslt                   @2.6.21         python/py25-libxslt
    py25-lint                      @0.21.1         python/py25-lint
    py25-llvm                      @0.5            python/py25-llvm
    py25-logilab-astng             @0.20.1         python/py25-logilab-astng
    py25-logilab-common            @0.50.3         python/py25-logilab-common
    py25-logilab-constraint        @0.4.0          python/py25-logilab-constraint
    py25-lxml                      @2.2.2          python/py25-lxml
    py25-m2crypto                  @0.20.2         python/py25-m2crypto
    py25-macholib                  @1.3            python/py25-macholib
    py25-macholib-devel            @1.2.1          python/py25-macholib-devel
    py25-magic                     @0.1            python/py25-magic
    py25-mako                      @0.1.10         python/py25-mako
    py25-markdown                  @1.7            python/py25-markdown
    py25-matplotlib                @1.0.0          python/py25-matplotlib
    py25-matplotlib-basemap        @1.0            python/py25-matplotlib-basemap
    py25-mayavi                    @3.2.0          python/py25-mayavi
    py25-mdp-toolkit               @2.6            python/py25-mdp-toolkit
    py25-mecab                     @0.96           python/py25-mecab
    py25-mechanize                 @0.1.9          python/py25-mechanize
    py25-memcached                 @1.45           python/py25-memcached
    py25-metar                     @0.13           python/py25-metar
    py25-midgard2                  @10.05.1        python/py25-midgard2
    py25-modulegraph               @0.8            python/py25-modulegraph
    py25-modulegraph-devel         @0.7.3          python/py25-modulegraph-devel
    py25-morbid                    @        python/py25-morbid
    py25-mpdclient2                @0.48           python/py25-mpdclient2
    py25-mpmath                    @0.13           python/py25-mpmath
    py25-mssql                     @0.8.0          python/py25-mssql
    py25-mutagen                   @1.17           python/py25-mutagen
    py25-mx-base                   @3.1.2          python/py25-mx-base
    py25-mx-experimental           @3.0.0          python/py25-mx-experimental
    py25-myghty                    @1.1            python/py25-myghty
    py25-myghtyutils               @0.52           python/py25-myghtyutils
    py25-mygpoclient               @1.4            python/py25-mygpoclient
    py25-mysql                     @1.2.2          python/py25-mysql
    py25-networkx                  @0.99           python/py25-networkx
    py25-nevow                     @0.9.33         python/py25-nevow
    py25-nltk                      @2.0b9          python/py25-nltk
    py25-nose                      @0.11.3         python/py25-nose
    py25-numarray                  @1.5.2          python/py25-numarray
    py25-numeric                   @24.2           python/py25-numeric
    py25-numexpr                   @1.3.1          python/py25-numexpr
    py25-numpy                     @1.4.1          python/py25-numpy
    py25-ode                       @1.2.0          python/py25-ode
    py25-omniORBpy                 @3.4            python/py25-omniORBpy
    py25-opengl                    @3.0.1b2        python/py25-opengl
    py25-openid                    @2.2.4          python/py25-openid
    py25-openopt                   @0.29           python/py25-openopt
    py25-openssl                   @0.9            python/py25-openssl
    py25-optik                     @1.5.3          python/py25-optik
    py25-orbit                     @2.24.0         python/py25-orbit
    py25-orbited                   @0.7.10         python/py25-orbited
    py25-paramiko                  @1.7.6          python/py25-paramiko
    py25-parsing                   @1.5.1          python/py25-parsing
    py25-paste                     @1.7.1          python/py25-paste
    py25-pastedeploy               @1.3.1          python/py25-pastedeploy
    py25-pastescript               @1.6.2          python/py25-pastescript
    py25-paver                     @1.0.1          python/py25-paver
    py25-pcapy                     @0.10.5         python/py25-pcapy
    py25-pexpect                   @2.3            python/py25-pexpect
    py25-pgsql                     @2.5.1          python/py25-pgsql
    py25-pil                       @1.1.6          python/py25-pil
    py25-pip                       @0.7.2          python/py25-pip
    py25-ply                       @3.3            python/py25-ply
    py25-pmw                       @1.3.2          python/py25-pmw
    py25-processing                @0.52           python/py25-processing
    py25-psychopy                  @1.51.01        python/py25-psychopy
    py25-psyco                     @1.6            python/py25-psyco
    py25-psycopg2                  @2.2.2          python/py25-psycopg2
    py25-py                        @1.1.0          python/py25-py
    py25-py2app                    @0.5.2          python/py25-py2app
    py25-py2app-devel              @0.4.4          python/py25-py2app-devel
    py25-pybtex                    @0.13.2         python/py25-pybtex
    py25-pycluster                 @1.44           python/py25-pycluster
    py25-pyclutter                 @0.9.2          python/py25-pyclutter
    py25-pydb                      @1.25           python/py25-pydb
    py25-pydicom                   @0.9.4-1        python/py25-pydicom
    py25-pyflakes                  @0.4.0          python/py25-pyflakes
    py25-pyglet                    @1.1.4          python/py25-pyglet
    py25-pygments                  @1.0            python/py25-pygments
    py25-pygraphviz                @0.99.1         python/py25-pygraphviz
    py25-pygresql                  @4.0            python/py25-pygresql
    py25-pygtksourceview           @2.6.0          python/py25-pygtksourceview
    py25-pyicu                     @0.8.1          python/py25-pyicu
    py25-pylibmc                   @0.6.1          python/py25-pylibmc
    py25-pylibpcap                 @0.6.2          python/py25-pylibpcap
    py25-pylons                    @        python/py25-pylons
    py25-pymc                      @2.0            python/py25-pymc
    py25-pymongo                   @0.15.2         python/py25-pymongo
    py25-pymtp                     @0.0.4          python/py25-pymtp
    py25-pynifti                   @0.20090303.1   python/py25-pynifti
    py25-pyobjc                    @2.2            python/py25-pyobjc
    py25-pyobjc-cocoa              @2.2            python/py25-pyobjc-cocoa
    py25-pyobjc2                   @2.0            python/py25-pyobjc2
    py25-pyobjc2-cocoa             @2.0            python/py25-pyobjc2-cocoa
    py25-pypdf                     @1.11           python/py25-pypdf
    py25-pyproj                    @1.8.5          python/py25-pyproj
    py25-pyprotocols               @1.0a0dev-r2302 python/py25-pyprotocols
    py25-pyqt4                     @4.7.4          python/py25-pyqt4
    py25-pyqwt                     @5.2.0          python/py25-pyqwt
    py25-pyrex                     @        python/py25-pyrex
    py25-pyrxp                     @1.13           python/py25-pyrxp
    py25-pysparse                  @1.1            python/py25-pysparse
    py25-pythonutils               @0.4.0          python/py25-pythonutils
    py25-pywavelets                @0.1.6          python/py25-pywavelets
    py25-pyx                       @0.10           python/py25-pyx
    py25-pyxg                      @0.3.0          python/py25-pyxg
    py25-pyxmpp                    @1.0.1          python/py25-pyxmpp
    py25-quadtree                  @0.1.2          python/py25-quadtree
    py25-quodlibet                 @2.2            python/py25-quodlibet
    py25-rdflib                    @2.4.2          python/py25-rdflib
    py25-readline                  @2.5.4          python/py25-readline
    py25-recaptcha                 @1.0.5          python/py25-recaptcha
    py25-reportlab                 @2.3            python/py25-reportlab
    py25-rope                      @0.9.2          python/py25-rope
    py25-routes                    @1.10.3         python/py25-routes
    py25-rpy2                      @2.0.6          python/py25-rpy2
    py25-ruledispatch     python/py25-ruledispatch
    py25-scientific                @2.8            python/py25-scientific
    py25-scipy                     @0.8.0          python/py25-scipy
    py25-sclapp                    @0.5.1          python/py25-sclapp
    py25-serial                    @2.4            python/py25-serial
    py25-setuptools                @0.6c11         python/py25-setuptools
    py25-shapely                   @1.0.11         python/py25-shapely
    py25-simplejson                @2.0.9          python/py25-simplejson
    py25-simpletal                 @4.1            python/py25-simpletal
    py25-simpy                     @1.9.1          python/py25-simpy
    py25-sip                       @4.10.4         python/py25-sip
    py25-smisk                     @1.1.6          python/py25-smisk
    py25-soaplib                   @0.8.1          python/py25-soaplib
    py25-socket-ssl                @2.5.4          python/py25-socket-ssl
    py25-sphinx                    @0.6.2          python/py25-sphinx
    py25-sqlalchemy                @0.5.2          python/py25-sqlalchemy
    py25-sqlalchemy-migrate        @0.4.5          python/py25-sqlalchemy-migrate
    py25-sqlite3                   @2.5.4          python/py25-sqlite3
    py25-sqlobject                 @0.10.2         python/py25-sqlobject
    py25-stomper                   @0.2.2          python/py25-stomper
    py25-subvertpy                 @0.7.3          python/py25-subvertpy
    py25-suds                      @0.3.9          python/py25-suds
    py25-symeig                    @1.4            python/py25-symeig
    py25-sympy                     @0.6.3          python/py25-sympy
    py25-tables                    @2.1.2          python/py25-tables
    py25-tc                        @0.7.2          python/py25-tc
    py25-tclink                    @3.4            python/py25-tclink
    py25-textile                   @2.1.3          python/py25-textile
    py25-tkinter                   @2.5.4          python/py25-tkinter
    py25-toscawidgets              @0.1a2          python/py25-toscawidgets
    py25-traits                    @3.1.0          python/py25-traits
    py25-traitsbackendwx           @3.1.0          python/py25-traitsbackendwx
    py25-traitsgui                 @3.0.4          python/py25-traitsgui
    py25-turbocheetah              @1.0            python/py25-turbocheetah
    py25-turbogears                @        python/py25-turbogears
    py25-turbojson                 @1.1.2          python/py25-turbojson
    py25-turbokid                  @1.0.4          python/py25-turbokid
    py25-twforms                   @0.1a2dev-r3091 python/py25-twforms
    py25-twisted                   @10.1.0         python/py25-twisted
    py25-twisted-web2              @8.1.0          python/py25-twisted-web2
    py25-twitter                   @0.6            python/py25-twitter
    py25-tz                        @2010k          python/py25-tz
    py25-urlgrabber                @3.1.0          python/py25-urlgrabber
    py25-utidylib                  @0.2            python/py25-utidylib
    py25-uuid                      @1.30           python/py25-uuid
    py25-virtualenv                @1.3.3          python/py25-virtualenv
    py25-virtualenvwrapper         @1.20           python/py25-virtualenvwrapper
    py25-vobject                   @0.8.1c         python/py25-vobject
    py25-webkitgtk                 @1.1.8          python/py25-webkitgtk
    py25-werkzeug                  @0.5.1          python/py25-werkzeug
    py25-workerpool                @0.9.2          python/py25-workerpool
    py25-wxpython                  @        python/py25-wxpython
    py25-xattr                     @0.5            python/py25-xattr
    py25-xdg                       @0.16           python/py25-xdg
    py25-xlrd                      @0.7.1          python/py25-xlrd
    py25-xlwt                      @0.7.2          python/py25-xlwt
    py25-xml                       @0.8.4          python/py25-xml
    py25-xmpppy                    @0.4.1          python/py25-xmpppy
    py25-yaml                      @3.08           python/py25-yaml
    py25-yum-metadata-parser       @1.1.2          python/py25-yum-metadata-parser
    py25-zlib                      @2.5.4          python/py25-zlib
    py25-zopeinterface             @3.3.0          python/py25-zopeinterface
    py25-zsi                       @2.0-rc3        python/py25-zsi

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-26

    I don't see no py25-gtkglext

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-26

    Oops. my browser's search function is broken :-/

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-26

    Anyway, your version is the same as mine, so it can't be fixed, if you didn't apply the patches manually.

    You should go here and ask if someone please applies the patches:

  • Lars

    Lars - 2010-08-26

    @lilalinux: thanks for sharing your experiences!
    I added the URL of this thread to the Requirement page in the wiki and to the INSTALL.txt file. This will be helpful for other MacOS users …

    Hopefully the issue with the gtkglext package will be resolved soon.

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-27

    By the way: You have to specify the pythonpath when starting pycamGUI. Maybe that's your problem.
    (Of course you could also set this permanently in ~/.profile or whatever startup files you use)

    PYTHONPATH=/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ ./pycamGUI

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-08-27

    The problem is, that pycamGUI explicitly uses /usr/bin/python in the shebang. That will use the version installed by OS X.
    If you change the first line of pycamGUI to:


    it will work without setting PYTHONPATH.

  • Lars

    Lars - 2010-09-05

    Hi lilalinux,

    you wrote:

    The problem is, that pycamGUI explicitly uses /usr/bin/python in the shebang.

    What else should be in the shebang from your point of view? Would something like "#!/usr/bin/env python" help in your environment?

    Alternatively pycam could try to detect, if it is run in your specific environment and add the "/opt/local/…" path to the pythonpath on its own. How could this detection work (if it is suitable)?

  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-09-05

    I could create a MacPorts port, but MacPorts is only usable if you have Xcode installed.

    BTW: I didn't mean to blame someone for the shebang nor do I say, that it's wrong. I only tracked down, where the source of the problem is.

  • Lars

    Lars - 2010-09-05

    Hi lilalinux,

    maybe I did not put it clearly: thanks for your helpful feedback - I did not intend to offend you …

    Regarding the MacPorts port: I don't know anything about the Mac environment and the common ways of distributing software there. So if you don't think, that a MacPorts port would be helpful, then we don't need it. But if you can share some code/config/whatever to create a package that would be more suitable for Mac users, then I would really appreciate your input!


  • Nabil Sayegh

    Nabil Sayegh - 2010-09-05

    I think the shebang must be changed by some kind of installer. Unfortunately I know nothing about Python, but most other projects that I ported to OS X use configure and autotools to figure out the proper paths. Now script languages are a bit different, as they usually don't need to be "built".

    The idea of #!/usr/bin/env python sounds good, but at first attempt it didn't work here, don't know why. Tomorrow I'll try to figure out what the problem was. Anyway, I'll create a Portfile for MacPorts.

  • Lars

    Lars - 2010-09-06

    I agree - probably we should take care for the proper shebang-path at the time of packaging or installing. I guess, the port file will be a kind of Makefile, so this should be the right place?
    Anyway - I am looking forward to an easier installation on MacOS due to this port file.
    Thanks in advance for your efforts!

  • flatline

    flatline - 2010-09-08

    Seems the gtkglext port is repaired. Just tried to install it and it works.

    The same goes for PyCam. Great. Looks very promising.

  • Dan Brown

    Dan Brown - 2011-02-25

    If I'm following correctly, I should be able to do
    $ sudo port install py25-gtk py25-gtkglext py25-ode py25-opengl

    ..and that should cover the dependencies, right?  I'm having the same problem as flatline; when I try to launch pycam, I get:

    pc-00096:pycam-0.4 dan$ ./pycam 
    Psyco is not available (performance will probably suffer slightly)
    Disabled parallel processing
    Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-Zpd3FR/org.x:0".
    Imported STL model: 75 vertices, 0 edges, 46 triangles
    Failed to initialize the interactive 3D model view.
    Please install 'python-gtkglext1' to enable it.

    …and I've installed py25-gtkglext:

    pc-00096:~ dan$ port installed | grep py25
      py25-cairo @1.8.2_1 (active)
      py25-distribute @0.6.14_0 (active)
      py25-gobject @2.26.0_0 (active)
      py25-gtk @2.22.0_1 (active)
      py25-gtkglext @1.1.0_0 (active)
      py25-nose @1.0.0_0 (active)
      py25-numpy @1.5.1_1+atlas+gcc44 (active)
      py25-ode @1.2.0_0 (active)
      py25-opengl @3.0.1b2_0 (active)
      py25-pil @1.1.6_2 (active)

    Is there now a portfile for pycam?  It doesn't seem to be part of the tree:

    pc-00096:~ dan$ sudo port install pycam
    Error: Port pycam not found
  • Dan Brown

    Dan Brown - 2011-02-25

    I'll also add that I have whatever I could find in the ports tree that looks like "RANDR" installed:

    pc-00096:~ dan$ port installed | grep randr
      xorg-libXrandr @1.3.1_0 (active)
      xorg-randrproto @1.3.2_0 (active)
      xrandr @1.3.4_0 (active)
  • Lars

    Lars - 2011-04-10

    There is no port of PyCAM available in MacPorts, yet. Thus

    port install pycam

    can't work for now.
    Anyone wants to volunteer …?

    The RANDR warning .

    I just wrote a wiki page dedicated to the installation on Mac OS X. Please check if you find a solution there!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-10

    For those of you with:
      error: pygobject.h: No such file or directory
    when building py25-gtkglext, try adding:
    to the end of all the lines that start with GTKGLEXT_CFLAGS in all the Makefiles in /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_python_py25-gtkglext/py25-gtkglext/work/pygtkglext-1.1.0 (or whatever you ports work directory is, it should be listed in the error log.)

    Looks like the pygtk includes aren't set up correctly (and I didn't see a -configure option just for pygtk.)

    Also, since there's going to be some different version of python on your system (e.g., the os-x installed /usr/bin/python*, and the ports installed /opt/local/bin/), check to see what your default python is set to: 
      python -version.
    If you'd like to set it to 2.5 (note: this should have a system-wide effect):
      defaults write Version 2.5
    However, that didn't change the python that the gtkglext configure + Makefiles decided to use (haven't dug into the autoconf script yet.)  So …. now the pain in the but part (since ./configure -bindir doesn't seem to do it):
    You want to change PYTHON to /opt/local/bin/python2.5 in the top-level Makefile, and change every occurrence of "python2.5" to "python2.6" in all the Makefiles, PYTHON_VERSION from 2.6 yo 2.5, and then make sure you change PYTHON_INCLUDES to end in "Version/2.5/include/python2.5".  Then re-build ("sudo make") and re-install ("sudo make install").

    You may also want to add:
    export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkgl"
    to ~/.bash_profile (note the path the is displayed after the build is finished, and substitute that.)  Note that if the install path is something along the lines of " /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/", it installed in the system's python framework, not the auxiliary one installed by macports.

    Now, when you launch pycam, try running "/opt/local/bin/python2.5 ./pycam".  The 3d preview window may still not work for you; I'm still working on debugging that.  But you should be able to access the gui and export gcode, and you should have an gtkglext library installed in /opt.  I may have to run through and do this with the rest of pycam's dependencies ….

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-10

    BTW, I might be chasing a red herring with the above post, so you probably don't want to follow it unless you're feeling a little adventurous ….

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-11

    Another way to install gtkglext, although I still receive an error:

    install the various macports listed above
    download gtkglext and pygtkglext from
    cd gtkglext-1.2.0
    ./configure -prefix=/opt/local -x-includes=/opt/local/include/X11 -x-libraries=/opt/local/lib/X11 -with-gl-includedir=/opt/local/include -with-gl-libdir=/opt/local/lib
    sudo make install
    cd pygtkglext-1.0
    ./configure -prefix=/opt/local -x-includes=/opt/local/include/X11 -x-libraries=/opt/local/lib/X11 -with-gl-includedir=/opt/local/include -with-gl-libdir=/opt/local/lib
    sudo make install

    However, I do find the library!:
    $ /opt/local/bin/python2.5
    Python 2.5.6 (r256:88840, Aug 22 2011, 14:07:42)
    on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import gtk.gtkgl
    Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-j60vx3/org.x:0".
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkgl/", line 21, in <module>
        from _gtkgl import *
    ImportError: dlopen(/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkgl/, 2): Symbol not found: _GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW
      Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libgtkglext-x11-1.0.0.dylib
      Expected in: flat namespace
    in /opt/local/lib/libgtkglext-x11-1.0.0.dylib

    Some googling show _GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW is deprecated and has been removed.  Patch available here:

    I'm going to try to patch and re-build GTK, but I've got a bunch of compilations going right now to my poor little laptop is slammed.  If anyone beats me to it, let me know the results.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-11

    Hrm, also there, but I ran into the error:
      File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/ctypes/", line 10, in <module>
        from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array
    ImportError: No module named _ctypes

    I don't have high hopes for fixing this, given:

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