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Netbeans plugin that wraps PlantUML to provide its functionality from within Netbeans.

Version 1.4

Most of the changes being released this time were contributed by Benno Markiewicz.So, many thanks to him. ( http://netbeans.dzone.com/meet-netbeans-contributor-benno-markiewicz )

### What's new

    * You can now select the UML preview window and Ctrl-C to copy the image to clipboard.
    * Export image action is now available as a context menu on the file. 
    * Options window has been added that now allows specification of a dot.exe file.
    * Charset has been hardcoded to UTF-8 for now.

Version 1.3

### What's new

    * Fixed mouse event handlers. You can now use mouse and keyboard combination to perform zoo / rotate / pan.
    * Improved Lexer grammer.
    * Added a help hover button below to show the keyboard shortcuts.
    * Added code template support..
    * Showing document name on Preview panel titlebar.
    * Upgraded plantuml version to 7985.
    * Add support for PlantUML Dependency. Users can now create plantuml files from existing java files. Go to New File >

### Known Issues

* Scrollbar on the canvas is not working properly.
    - WorkAround: Use pan in the mean time.

### NOTE

* I have not researched into all possible code templates. If you, as a plantuml user, find code snippets that could be included inside the plugin, please share these with me via a sourceforge issue, so that everybody can benefit from your contribution.

Version 1.2.1

* Fixed the zoom persistence issue.

Version 1.2.0

* Added zoom in / out, pan and rotate support.
    - Zoom ( Ctrl + Left Click )
    - Realize zoom ( Shift + Right Click  )
    - Pan ( SHIFT + Left Click )
    - Rotate ( CTRL + Right Click ) 
    - Reset ( CTRL + SHIFT + Right Click )
* Added toolbar buttons for zoom-in, zoom-out, reset, rotate.
* Added open in browser toolbar button.

Version 1.1.0

Added saveas button, dialog. * Save as png * Save as svg * Save as eps

Version 1.0.0

* create a PUML file
* Save a PUML file
* Syntax Highlighting for Keywords, connectors, types, parts identifiers
Source: README.md, updated 2014-06-02