Home / smis
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smis.tar.gz 2015-01-08 954.5 kB
smis.README 2015-01-08 1.1 kB
copyright 2015-01-08 35.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   990.7 kB 0
# smis_pipeline: an assembly pipeline to improve scaffolds using Oxford Nanopore or PacBio long reads
# Long reads are shreded into small segments (1000bp or 2000bp) to make fake mate pairs
# Genome scaffolder spinner is used for scaffolding
# Say if you have an existing assembly from Illumina reads target.fasta
# and ONT long reads: ontreads.fastq


./smis_pipeline -nodes 20 -score 50 -len 2000 -step 200 -contig 3000 -edge 5 <ONT_fasta/q_file> <assembly_fasta/q_file> <scaffold-output.fasta_file>
       nodes - number of CPUs requested
       score - minimum smith-waterman alignment score to report a hit
       len - length of fregments of fake mate pairs
       step - jump length to cut out fregments
       contig - minimum contig length to be included for scaffolding
       edge - minimum number of edges to confirm a merge


gunzip smis.tar.gz 
tar xvf smis.tar 

Note: You need to type the full path in order to make it work.

Please contact Zemin Ning ( zn1@sanger.ac.uk ) for any further information.

Source: smis.README, updated 2015-01-08