Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
pcmanfm-mod_1.2.4-1_i386.deb 2012-01-15 573.2 kB
pcmanfm-mod_1.2.4-1_amd64.deb 2012-01-15 581.1 kB
pcmanfm-mod-nohal_1.2.4-1_i386.deb 2012-01-15 561.7 kB
pcmanfm-mod-nohal_1.2.4-1_amd64.deb 2012-01-15 568.9 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.4.tar.xz 2012-01-15 667.2 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.4.SHA256.txt 2012-01-15 3.3 kB
README 2012-01-15 20.4 kB
DISCLAIMER.TXT 2011-08-19 5.1 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.3.tar.xz 2011-05-11 663.2 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.3.SHA256.txt 2011-05-11 3.3 kB
pcmanfm-mod_1.2.3-1_i386.deb 2011-05-11 555.5 kB
pcmanfm-mod_1.2.3-1_amd64.deb 2011-05-11 580.7 kB
pcmanfm-mod-nohal_1.2.3-1_i386.deb 2011-05-11 544.7 kB
pcmanfm-mod-nohal_1.2.3-1_amd64.deb 2011-05-11 568.6 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.2.tar.xz.verify.txt 2011-04-11 2.4 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.2.tar.xz.sig 2011-04-11 96 Bytes
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.2.tar.xz 2011-04-11 661.5 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.1.tar.xz.sig 2011-04-10 95 Bytes
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.1.tar.xz.verify.txt 2011-04-10 2.4 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.1.tar.xz 2011-04-10 661.4 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.0.tar.xz.verify.txt 2011-03-14 2.2 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.0.tar.xz.sig 2011-03-13 96 Bytes
pcmanfm-mod-1.2.0.tar.xz 2011-01-13 678.9 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.1.3.tar.xz 2010-11-27 658.6 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.1.2.tar.xz 2010-11-03 658.4 kB
pcmanfm-mod-1.1.1.tar.xz 2010-09-05 647.2 kB
Totals: 26 Items   9.9 MB 0
README for PCManFM-Mod v1.2.4
    (A modified version of the legacy PCMan File Manager v0.5.2)

For updates and instructions visit:


    Except for possible bugfixes, v1.2.4 is the last planned release of
    pcmanfm-mod.  All further development of this fork will take place in the
    SpaceFM project:  http://spacefm.sourceforge.net/




    PCManFM-Mod is a minor fork of the legacy version of PCManFM 0.5.2, which
    uses HAL for mounting (optional) and has minimal Gnome dependencies
    (compared with the newer PCManFM version 0.9 which uses gnome-vfs).  This
    modified legacy version adds user-definable commands and other features and
    also includes a number of bugfixes as fully detailed in the MODIFICATIONS
    section below.
    PCManFM-Mod installs as /usr/bin/pcmanfm-mod and uses
    ~/.config/pcmanfm-mod/ as its config folder, thus making it run
    independently of other versions of pcmanfm.


    For Debian and Ubuntu, deb files and a PPA package repository are available
    at http://igurublog.wordpress.com/downloads/mod-pcmanfm/

    For Arch Linux, AUR packages are available- pcmanfm-mod or pcmanfm-mod-prov
    For other distros or for custom build options, follow the BUILD


1)  Install required build dependencies.

    On Debian/Ubuntu:
        apt-get install build-essential debhelper autotools-dev dbus \
        desktop-file-utils fam libc6 libcairo2 libdbus-1-3 libfam0 \
        libglib2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 libstartup-notification0 \
        libx11-6 shared-mime-info intltool pkg-config libfam-dev \
        libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev fakeroot libstartup-notification0-dev \
        libdbus-1-dev \
        hal libhal-dev libhal-storage-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libhal-storage1 \
        libhal1, libdbus-glib-1-2
        Also Recommended: ktsuss gksu gnome-icon-theme 

    On Arch Linux:
        pacman -S base base-devel desktop-file-utils gamin gtk2 hal \
                  shared-mime-info startup-notification intltool gettext
        Also Recommended: gksu gnome-icon-theme

    NOTE: gamin can be used instead of fam.

    Other Linux distributions will have similar named libraries.  configure
    will report anything missing when you run it as shown below.
2)  Extract tarball and enter directory.  The following commands will build
    and install as "/usr/bin/pcmanfm-mod":
        ./configure --prefix=/usr
        sudo make install
        sudo install -c -m 755 pcmanfm-opener /usr/bin
        sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime > /dev/null
        sudo update-desktop-database -q

    NOTE: If configure reports missing dependencies, install them and run
    configure again before proceeding to make.

    NOTE: If hal support is not needed (pcmanfm-mod won't be able to mount and
    unmount volumes), add --disable-hal to the configure command above.
    NOTE: The su program used by pcmanfm-mod will be ktsuss, gksudo, gksu, or
    kdesu.  Optional: To set your preference (in this example to gksudo) add
    --with-preferable-sudo=gksudo to the configure command above.

    If you want LXDE to use pcmanfm-mod for desktop management, you can
    remove pcmanfm and:
        sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pcmanfm-mod /usr/bin/pcmanfm

    Or see the /etc/xdg/lxsession/ and ~/.config/lxsession/ config files to
    control pcmanfm(-mod) startup and desktop management.

For additional information consult the README-LEGACY and INSTALL files.


1)  As root:
        rm /usr/bin/pcmanfm-mod
        rm /usr/bin/pcmanfm-opener
        rm -r /usr/share/pcmanfm-mod
        rm /usr/share/pixmaps/pcmanfm-mod.png
        rm /usr/share/pixmaps/pcmanfm-mod-root.png
        rm /usr/share/mime/packages/libmimetype.xml
        rm /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/pcmanfm-mod.mo
        rm /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-mod*.desktop
        rm /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-user*.desktop
        update-mime-database /usr/share/mime > /dev/null
        update-desktop-database -q
2)  Optional: To remove pcmanfm-mod user configurations:
        rm -r /home/*/.config/pcmanfm-mod
        rm -r $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pcmanfm-mod   # run for each user


To build a deb file of pcmanfm-mod:

1)  Install build dependencies (see BUILD INSTRUCTIONS above).

2)  Extract tarball and enter directory.

3)  IF hal support is NOT desired:

        cp debian/control-nohal debian/control
        cp debian/rules-nohal debian/rules

4)  Build package:


    The package files will appear in the parent directory.


    README                          this file
    README-LEGACY                   Original README from PCManFM 0.5.2
    0.5.2 source and make files     modified source files of PCManFM 0.5.2
                                    (search for "//MOD" to see changes)
    pcmanfm-opener                  a script to open all files passed to it
    data/pcmanfm-mod*.desktop       desktop files for the PCManFM-Mod program
    data/pcmanfm-user-f*.desktop    desktop files for user commands
    data/pcmanfm-mod.png            program icon
    data/pcmanfm-mod-root.png       program icon when run as root
    debian/                         debian packaging control files


*** Custom Commands ***

/usr/bin/pcmanfm-opener is an example script to open all files passed
to it - by default this is assigned to F4.  Functions F6-F9 also run
the same command until you customize them.  The default pcmanfm-opener
script mostly uses xdg-open to open files - modify this script to use
your favorite apps.  USE BY THE ROOT USER IS DISABLED BY DEFAULT (edit
the script to adjust this).

To change the name and command for User Command F6, copy the file
/usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-user-f6.desktop to 
~/.local/share/applications/  Edit this file and add your desired command
to "Exec=" (do not use %F or %U, just the command name).  This can be a
custom script or an application.  Edit "Name=" to the command name as you
want it to appear on the right-click menu.  Use underscore for shortcut
keys (for example, "User Co_mmand").  "Icon=" may be added if desired.
Other commands are modified with the same method - there is one desktop
file for each.  Don't change the filenames of these .desktop
files or they won't work.

*** Config File ***

PCManFM-Mod recognizes additional settings in the [General] section of the
"main" config file:
    home_folder=FOLDER  Changes your default home folder (for the Go|Home
                        and toolbar commands)
    no_execute=1        Makes double-clicking on an executable NOT run it
    no_confirm=1        Causes no confirmation dialog when deleting files
                        (use this with caution as there is no trash can)

For example, with all PCManFM-Mod windows and daemons closed, edit the
file ~/.config/pcmanfm-mod/main (or main.lxde if using LXDE):

*** Hide Files ***

To hide a folder's files from view in PCManFM-Mod, create a text file in
the folder named '.hidden'  List files to be hidden in this file, one per
line (file name only, not the path).  For example, to hide a file:
   echo "hidethisexample.txt" >> .hidden
This can be done automatically using the File|Hide File menu option.  To
unhide a file, edit .hidden and remove the entry.  After changes are made,
select View|Refresh.


 *  The Run In Terminal mod command may not work with all terminals (choose
    your terminal in Edit|Preferences|Advanced).  The terminal must accept
    the -e argument unquoted.  These terminals are known to work: roxterm,
    aterm, konsole, xterm, Eterm, lxterminal*, gnome-terminal*.
    * Note that when using lxterminal and gnome-terminal, you cannot use
    single quotation marks (') in the command.


    PCManFM-Mod is identical to legacy PCManFM v0.5.2 except for the
    following changes:

 *  Adds five user-definable commands to the right-click and Tools
    menus (keys F4, F6-F9).  The menu item names, icons, and
    commands are derived from .desktop files.  When run, all
    selected files are passed to the command.  (see NOTES below)

 *  An example opener script is included as the default F4
    user command, which opens all selected files. (see NOTES below)

 *  A "Run Command..." (Ctrl-R) has been added to the Tools and
    right-click menus.  This allows the user to run an 
    arbitrary command line, include %F to insert all selected
    files into the command, and optionally run the command
    in a terminal to see the output.

 *  Files can now be dragged and dropped into the Directory Tree
    side pane

 *  A selection history has been added to remember selected files in
    prior folders

 *  The Copy/Move dialog, widened and cleaned up, now shows file
    count, transfer size, current and average speeds, time remaining

 *  A "Paste as Link" (Ctrl-Shift-V) command has been added to the
    Edit and right-click menus to paste links to files on the

 *  A "Paste as Target" (Alt-Shift-V) command has been added to the
    Edit and right-click menus to paste the targets of links on the

 *  A "Copy as Text" (Ctrl-Shift-C) command has been added to the
    Edit and right-click menus to copy quoted filenames to the
    clipboard for pasting into a terminal

 *  A "Copy Name" (Alt-Shift-C) command has been added to the
    Edit and right-click menus to copy filenames to the
    clipboard (without path)

 *  When a single file is selected, the filename is displayed in the status
    bar (for long filenames).  If a symlink is selected, its target and
    target's size are displayed in the status bar

 *  Compress and Extract now support tar.xz

 *  Sticky bit is displayed in the Permissions field

 *  IEC binary units now display as KB/MB/GB/TB instead of KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB,
    and IEC binary units are now the default (may be changed in Preferences)
 *  Support added for Nautilus-style .hidden file to hide files, and added
    File|Hide File menu option

 *  The Paste items on the content menu are now disabled if the clipboard
    does not contain a pastable file list

 *  The Paste and Create items now appear on the context menu even if the
    cursor is over a file
 *  Configuration is stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pcmanfm-mod/

 *  The default home folder can be set in the main config file
    (see USAGE NOTES above)

 *  "no_execute" can be set in the main config file to prevent
    launching of executables by clicking (see USAGE NOTES above)

 *  "no_confirm" can be set in the main config file to delete files without
    a confirmation dialog (see USAGE NOTES above)

 *  ktsuss is now a supported su program, and is the default (can be changed)

 *  A different program icon (taken from Tango) is used, and a red
    folder program icon is used when in super user mode

 *  The Go|Home key is changed from Alt-Home to Escape

 *  The Open Terminal key is changed from F4 to Ctrl-S

 *  Tools|Open Terminal now opens only current folder instead of selected

 *  The default button on the delete dialog is changed to Yes

 *  When enter is pressed in the Rename/Overwrite dialog, rename is

 *  Ctrl-F is assigned to Create New Folder instead of search
    (pressing any normal key still initiates a search), and Ctrl-Shift-F has
    been added for Create New File

 *  The F5 Refresh function has been improved

 *  .desktop files display their actual filenames rather than name,
    except in the user's Desktop folder

 *  File list is given focus when a dir is entered or a new tab added

 *  When a new file/folder is created in Detailed view mode, it is given focus

 *  Middle-clicking on a tab will close it

 *  Copying and pasting a single folder into its own parent now
    asks for a new name rather than attempting to copy the folder into
    itself.  Pasting a folder into a selected folder no longer works.

 *  Link creation (Paste or drag methods) can now generate
    overwrite/rename query instead of "File Exists" error

 *  Accepts --desktop-pref, --profile, and --desktop for compatibility
    with PCManFM 0.9
 *  Bugfix: A serious bug which caused the target of a link to be
    overwritten rather than the link itself has been corrected

 *  Bugfix: A bug which caused the target names of copied links to be
    mangled been corrected

 *  Bugfix: A bug which caused a link's target's file permissions to change
    when the link was copied has been corrected
 *  Bugfix: Right-clicking on a dangling sym-link now displays menu

 *  Bugfix: Find Files now displays all results

 *  Bugfix: Find Files 'Search in Sub Directories' now obeyed

 *  Bugfix: Invalid cross-device link error fixed

 *  Bugfix: Context menu write permissions are now based on directory
    write permission instead of one selected file; symlinks not
    erroneously followed for write permission to symlinks
 *  Bugfix: A bug which prevented opening multiple folders on the
    pcmanfm command line has been corrected

 *  Bugfix: Fixed error message on create new folder cancel

 *  Bugfix: Default save folder for the Compress function is corrected

 *  Bugfix: Links to broken links may now be created

 *  Bugfix: Fixed POTFILES.in to correct error on make check

 *  Bugfix: Fixed syntax errors in ca.po to prevent make error
 *  Bug Workaround: A bug in GTK 2.20 which prevents double-clicking
    should not affect pcmanfm-mod 0.9.6 and later
    See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=612802


1.2.4 (final):
    fixed find files bug (size greater than 1 not honored)
    fixed Copy As Text not handling filenames containing apostrophes
    remove virtual My Documents icon from desktop
    rename libmimetype.xml to pcmanfm-mod-mime.xml to prevent collisions
    fixed POTFILES.in to correct error on make check
    added debian packaging control files
    corrected keyboard nav problem (cursor not set when restoring previous
    selection) in Icon and Compact List view modes
    added selection history (pkt-file-browser)
    corrected dir tree side pane scroll problem from gtk change (ptk-dir-tree)
    added File|Hide File to update .hidden (vfs-dir)
    new tab opens in custom home folder if configured (main-window)
    added Ctrl-Shift-F key shortcut for create new file
    status bar now shows selected file name
    removed config file su_cmd= option introduced in 1.1.2
    made ktsuss default su command
    Tools|Open Terminal now opens only current folder instead of selected
    0.5.2 bugfix: copy link changed link target permissions (vfs-file-task)
    copy/move progress dialog count, size, speed
    added .hidden support
    fixed find files bug not displaying all results
    fixed find files recursive bug
    fixed invalid cross-device link error
    improved View|Refresh function - update model twice
    adjustments to status bar
    workaround for root user roxterm dbus error
    added --desktop, --profile, and --desktop-pref for compat with 0.9
    no_execute will now execute if Execute is selected from the context menu
    no_confirm added
    DSO patch for Fedora applied
    su_cmd added
    ktsuss now supported
    progress dialog simplified
    IEC binary units now show KB/MB/GB/TB; SI show kB/MB/GB/TB
    IEC binary units now default 
    copy/move/delete progress dialog widened to 700
    added Copy Name (Alt-Shift-C) to Edit and context menus
    Paste and Create now always shown in context menu
    Paste items in context menu now insensitive if invalid clipboard
    makefiles changed to build and install as "pcmanfm-mod"
    AUR package updated - installs as pcmanfm-mod, provides pcmanfm
    uses $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pcmanfm-mod/ as config folder - imports from
      pcmanfm if missing
    Compress and Extract functions now support tar.xz
    Default save folder of Compress function now working folder (bugfix)
    program icons (normal and root user) changed
    refresh function improved
    middle-click on tab now closes it
    Create new file/folder in detailed list view now focuses new file
      (same behavior as icon view)
    File list given focus after create new file/folder (all views)
    corrected compress/extract appearance in context menu
    fixed error on drag to link in directory tree
    added drag and drop to directory tree
    added Copy as Text (Ctrl-Shift-C) to Edit and context menus
    added Paste as Link and Paste as Target to context menu
    icons for user commands now displayed in context menu
    changed Run Command %U to %F (%U still works)
    home_folder used on home activate
    source tarball now bzip2
    added "Edit|Paste as Target" (Alt-Shift-V) to paste targets
    fixed overwrite of link target
    context menu write permissions derive from current directory
      permissions instead of one selected file; no longer derived
      from resolved symlink target
    links to broken links may now be created
    link creation can now generate overwrite/rename query instead
      of "File Exists" error
    terminated buffer on link copy to prevent mangled target names
    AUR PKGBUILD now prefers gamin over fam
    permissions now show sticky bit
    added keyboard shortcut Ctrl-S for Open Terminal
    unassigned user commands not shown in menus
    Refresh function now reloads even if busy
    removed use of exo_noop_false to workaround GTK 2.20 bug 
    .desktop files in Desktop folder now display app name
    removed confusing error message from installmod script
    corrected "// MOD" to "//MOD" in ptk-file-browser.c
    added version number to About dialog
    changed Tools menu "Open Terminal" to "Open _Terminal"
    added special Run In Terminal for lxterminal and gnome-terminal
      (these require -e argument quoted)
    removed diagnostic error pop-up in bookmark function
    added "Edit|Paste as Link" (Ctrl-Shift-V) to paste links
    added link target and target size in status bar
    added home_folder in main config file for Go|Home
    added no_execute in main config file to stop execution
    changed program icon for root user mode to folder-saved-search
    removed diagnostic premature return that prevented right-click
      'open with' menu from displaying (ptk-file-menu.c)
    modified About dialog to indicate it is a modified version
    .desktop files display their actual filenames instead of name
    focus in file list after change directory and new tab
    Go|Home now Escape key instead of Alt-Home
    right-click on dangling symlink now displays popup menu
    copy/paste folder prompts for new name; no paste to selected
    rewrote str_replace used by Run Command without static buffer
    Run and Run In Terminal now have alt shortcut keys R & T
    Run In Terminal now terminates with open bash shell
    restored Open In Terminal to Tools and right-click menus
    installmod script now won't overwrite existing .desktop files
      or /usr/bin/pcmanfm-opener
    fixed syntax errors in ca.po to prevent make error
    changed default button on delete dialog to Yes
    fixed error message on create new folder cancel
    improved F5 Refresh function
    added user commands and Run Command to right-click menu
    reorganized Tools menu
    fixed multiple instance -t opening of tabs
    added enter callback signal on rename/overwrite dialog
    Changed crtl-f to Create New Folder
    added uninstall instructions to README
    changed opener script - old script will not work correctly
    added desktop files for user commands and pcmanfm-mod
    added user commands to Tools menu, keys F4, F6-F9
    fixed bug when opening multiple folders on command line

Source: README, updated 2012-01-15