Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Sources 2021-03-01
Stable builds 2021-03-01
readme.txt 2021-03-01 23.3 kB
Totals: 3 Items   23.3 kB 0

Version 2.0 build 12 (2021-02-28)
    - The program partially supports Unicode/UTF now. The editor works with European languages w/o any issues 
      but eastern characters are not supported mainly because the Windows monospaced fonts are actually not 
      fixed-width for those code pages.
    - New docking window framework
      The control panels like "File Panel", "History" can be docked more easily,  as well as stacked in tabs. 
      Additionally panels can "Auto hide" in the docking mode. The window tab control workbook is more functional 
      and nicer than in the previous version.
    - The external grep program was replaced with the internal implementation which is faster and more functional. 
    Bug fixes for earlier 2.0 version:
    - Tortoise Git menu does not appear in the file context menu 
    - Hanging on attempt to send email

Version 1.3 build X (20XX-XX-XX)
    - The program automatically reloads the template file if it was changed externally
    - Added a quicker way to create a new Template from the editor using the context menu.
      The select text will be used as Template body.
    - Added ability to modify the selected Template from Autocomplete/Template list 
      using the context menu
    - Added name uniqueness validation for new and modified Templates
    - Find Match (Ctrl+]) works with CASE in SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements

Version 1.2 build 7 (2017-12-01)
    It is catch up release with major features implemented in sqltools.
    - Updated the program setup and created a new one that does not require admin
      rights. The new setup uses a user profile folder (instead of C:\Program Files)
      as a default destination for the program files.
    - Multiple workspace related improvements and fixes
    - Implemented "Rename / Move" command (internally it calls SaveAs
      and then deletes the original file)
    - Added "Find Selected" [or current word] with the default shortcut Ctrl+F3 & Ctrl+Shift+F3
    Bug fixes:
    - indentation does not work with a single line columnar selection
     - Search / replace history is not preserved correctly if INI file is chosen
     to keep supplemental settings. Search history is stored in binary format now.
     - "Go to active document location" not working on the first attempt
       if FilePanel was not open before

Version 1.2 build 6 (2016-08-08)
    - Simplified internal idle processing in order to reduce CPU usage
    - Added ability to turn on/off Syntax Gutter
    Bug fixes: 

Version 1.2 build 5 (2016-08-01)
    - Added workspace commands to the main toolbar
    - Added shortcuts for workspace operations:
        Workspace.Copy                Ctrl+Shift+W,C
        Workspace.Paste               Ctrl+Shift+W,V
        Workspace.Save                Ctrl+Shift+W,S
        Workspace.SaveAs              Ctrl+Shift+W,A
        Workspace.SaveQuick           Ctrl+Shift+W,Q
        Workspace.Open                Ctrl+Shift+W,O
        Workspace.OpenQuick           Ctrl+Shift+W,I
        Workspace.OpenAutosaved       Ctrl+Shift+W,T
        Workspace.OpenClose           Ctrl+Shift+W,L
    - added quicksave workspaces - created by single click on toolbar. 
      QS workspace disappears from menu after opening. Those files are stored 
      with autosaved workspaces and their names are generated 
      by "QS-YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI" format mask.
    - changed autosave filename format to "AS-YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS_pid###"
    - added setting to control size of recent files/workspaces menus
    - saving all changes in workspace instead of in individual files 
    - detecting if file changed after opening modified version from workspace 

Version 1.2 build 4 (2016-07-14)
    - Reimplemented recent file list. It can keep hundreds of files 
      with the last cursor position/selection/bookmarks.
    - Added "History" tab to "File Panel"
    Bug fixes:
    - a workspace file saved w/o a default extension if user changes the file name 
      in SaveAs dialog 
    - Undo for columnar block inserted beyond EOF leaves garbage on screen 
      in some cases

Version 1.2 build 3 (2016-06-29)
    - Introduced workspace and workspace autosaving. Workspace is edit session 
      but called differently to avoid confusion with Oracle session. 
      The unique feature is keeping layout (positions/selections/bookmarks/...) 
      and text changes in the same file.
    - Added File format (Windows/Unix/Mac) to Text/Format menu
      it was buried deeply in settings

Version 1.2 build 2 (2016-06-15)
    - When selecting a text with your mouse, double-click on the first word, 
      hold down the mouse on the second click and then select your text. 
      It will now select text by words, not characters.
      The same can be initiated by single-click with <Ctrl> pressed.
    - <Alt><Shift>+Arrow or mouse click starts Alternative Columnar selection mode,
      the difference from "Classic" Columnar selection is it automatically returns
      to "stream" selection as soon as the current edit operation is done

Version 1.2 build 1 (2016-06-09)
    - Highlighting for changed lines (yellow - changed, green - changed & saved, 
      gold - changed, saved & reverted)
    - Highlighting all occurrences of selected word
    - Displaying full path in the status bar when an open recent file menu item is selected
    - Changed the way the mouse position is mapped to text position.
    - made Template dialog resizable
    Bug fixes:
    - the cursor does not change position on right mouse click
    - fixed some highlighting issues in SQL files
    - added programmatically missing templates 

 Version 1.1 build 16 (2016-08-23)
    Bug fixes:
    - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on expand template if template list is empty

Version 1.1 build 15 (2015-07-26)
    Bug fixes:
    - Save File: added FlushViewOfFile & FlushFileBuffers to force Windows to flush data to disk

Version 1.1 build 14 (2015-01-24)
    Bug fixes:
    - template changes are not available for already open files

Version 1.1 build 12 (2014-03-03)
    Bug fix:
    - multiline drag and drop in columnar mode does nothing
    - Window shell commands removed from the editor contect menu,
      alternatively they are available on <Shift> + right click.

Version 1.1 build 11 (2014-02-04)
    - "File Panel/Open Files" can be a drag & drop source 
      so any file can be dragged and dropped on another application
      such as SQLTools.
    - File Shell menu items added to the editor context menu.
    - Added a set of operations on a stream columnar selection:
        Edit.RemoveExcessiveBlankLines Ctrl+K,H
        Edit.TrimLeadingSpaces        Ctrl+K,O
        Edit.TrimExcessiveSpaces      Ctrl+K,P
        Edit.TrimTrailingSpaces       Ctrl+K,R        
    Bug fixes:
    - selection stays on cursor move by Ctrl+[
    - paste on multi-line columnar selection uses the cursor position 
      instead of the beginning of selection

Version 1.1 build 9 (2011-12-04)
    - Added a set of operations on a stream selection:
        Edit.JoinLines                Ctrl+K,J
        Edit.SplitLine                Ctrl+K,K
    - Added a set of operations on a stream columnar selection:
        Edit.ColumnInsert             Ctrl+K,B         
        Edit.ColumnInsertNumber       Ctrl+K,M
        Edit.ColumnLeftJustify        Ctrl+K,Y
        Edit.ColumnCenterJustify      Ctrl+K,V         
        Edit.ColumnRightJustify       Ctrl+K,W         
        Edit.RemoveBlankLines         Ctrl+K,G
    - Under development: 
        Edit.RemoveExcessiveBlankLines Ctrl+K,H
        Edit.TrimLeadingSpaces        Ctrl+K,O
        Edit.TrimExcessiveSpaces      Ctrl+K,P
        Edit.TrimTrailingSpaces       Ctrl+K,R        
    Bug fixes:
    - insert and delete of a columnar selection do not handle tabified lines 
    properly. Now any columnar operation untabifies a selected rectangle
    and the surrounding area in the case if the selection margins are not aligned 
    with tab positions. Copy operation of a columnar selection expands tabs and 
    fills up shorter lines with spaces.

Version 1.1 build 7 (2011-11-21)
    - Added highlighting for matching brace, two color properties "Highlighting" 
      and "Error Highlighting". Taken from sqltools++ but it was altered.

Version 1.1 build 6 (2011-11-03)
    - the editor does not have 64K line limitation anymore, 
      in theory it can handle 2GB lines.
    - "File Manager" has basic integration with Windows context menu 
       that allows access to TortoiseSVN / CVS commands using the application menu
    - "File Manager" allows to execute/rename/delete files and folders
    - "File Manager" file type filter is finally implemented   
    - "File Manager" shows file/folder information in tooltips
    - "File Manager" settings page has been added to control new features
    - improved stability of XML settings storage
    Bug fixes:
    - file custom.keymap is missing

Version 1.0 build 2 (2011-10-03)
    - Added an option to use INI file for supplemental settings 
    instead of Windows registry

Version 1.0 build 1 (2011-10-02)
    - FindMatch does not work for TXT files because no language defined.
    Now C++ is used as default.
    bug fixes:
    - deleting selection extended beyond EOF causes EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    - FindReplace dialog can go beyond the display screen and stay there

Version 0.99 build 3 (2011-09-21)
    OpenEditor has been released under GNU GPL v3 (updated from v2 to v3).
    - improved cursor position / selection indicator has been borrowed from sqltools++
    - tinyxml libraty has been updated to v 2.6.2
    Bug fixes:
    - Added JOIN, INNER, OUTER to sql keywords (remove old language.xml)
    - a small fix for CASE expression in PLS/SQL language support
    - block indent keeps a selection anchored to a text
    - /**/ comments after END of a procedure cause a compilation error
    - block undent does not work correctly if Tab size > Indent size
    - the application hangs if user sets either Indent or Tab size to 0
    - editor gutter might not show syntax nesting correctly during incremental parsing
    - PL/SQL Analyzer fails on auth/wrapped packages

Version 0.99 build 2 (2009-04-19)
    improvement, added "smart" end key behavior
    improvement, redesigned PL/SQL syntax analyzer ("Find Match" Ctrl+] works better)
    improvement, the program settings are stored as XML in %APPDATA%/GNU/SQLTools (private)
                 or <Program Folder>/SharedData (shared) depending on user choice
    Some minor bugs have been fixed.

Version 0.98 build 3 (2005-04-19)

    R#1111224 - Enable/disable "smart" home key behavior (tMk).
    R#1092510 - Drag/Reorder Tab (tMk).
    R#1084220 - Close Tab on double click (tMk).
    R#1081930 - Open file under cursor (tMk).
    R#unknown - New Netscape-like property sheet interface & new tabs (tMk).
    R#unknown - Highlighting for a dragged workbook tab (tMk).
    R#unknown - Introduced "IndentGuide" (ak).
    R#unknown - Added ColourPicket for Font/Color property page (ak).
    R#unknown - Added auto-scrolling for dragged workbook tabs (ak).

    B#1185035 - "Show message on EOF" doesn't work (ak).
    B#1165795 - Hanging during replace in the selection (ak).
    B#1093790 - Show message on EOF (tMk).
    B#1086407 - Infinite locking directory (tMk).
    B#unknown - Wrong message if file or folder does not exist (ak).
    B#unknown - Missing shortcut labels for double key (ak).
    B#unknown - If file are locked, an unrecoverable error occurs on "Reload" (ak).
    B#unknown - Sorting does not completely remove duplicate rows if a number of dups is even (ak).

Versions before SF.net (up to 0.97 build 78)

    18.11.2003 improvement, experemental PERL support has been added
    28.08.2002 improvement, double key accelerator, for example "Ctrl+K,B"
    30.08.2002 improvement, main menu systematization
    01.09.2002 improvement, mark all in Find dialog
    08.09.2002 improvement, new copy commands
    08.09.2002 improvement, select word, line
    08.09.2002 improvement, find dialog enhancement
    09.09.2002 improvement, find/replace batch performance
    17.09.2002 performance tuning, insert/delete block operation
    23.09.2002 improvement/performance tuning, undo has been reimplemented
    28.09.2002 improvement, splitter panes/views synhronization
    25.10.2002 improvement, undo settings: count, max allocated memory, undo after save
    25.10.2002 improvement, add setlocale in settings
    25.10.2002 improvement, autoscroll for "Reload without prompting"
    25.10.2002 improvement, add backup directory
    25.10.2002 improvement, keyboard mapping scheme: Default, TextPad, Ultraedit, EditPlus2[, VC6]
    25.10.2002 improvement, save file when switching tasks
    25.10.2002 improvement, working directory follows open document
    30.10.2002 improvement, capitalize, invert case
    19.11.2002 improvement, smart vertical scrolling for goto and bookmark jumps
    08.01.2003 improvement, dropdown list control for autocomplete/templates
    10.01.2003 improvement, "normalize" keyword on insert
    07.03.2003 improvement, match searcher mor C++, Jave and ... skips strings, charater and comments
    07.03.2003 improvement, shortcut/acceleration descriptions nave been included in toolbar tooltips
    16.03.2003 improvement, triple click for line selection has been discontinued
    23.03.2003 improvement, save files dialog appears when the program is closing
    23.03.2003 improvement, added a new command - mdi last window - default shortcut is Ctrl+Tab
    23.03.2003 improvement, added a new editor option - keep selection after drag and drop operation
    23.03.2003 improvement, added a new mouse word selectiton on left butten click with pressed ctrl
    24.03.2003 improvement, MouseSelectionDelimiters has been added (hidden) which influences on double click selection behavior
    26.03.2003 improvement, added delay for scrolling in drag & drop mode
    28.03.2003 improvement, optimization of GDI resources usage - critical for Win95/Win98
    30.03.2003 improvement, SQR support has been added
    29.06.2003 improvement, status line indicator for character under curstor
    29.06.2003 improvement, "Restrict cursor" has been replaced with "Cursor beyond EOL" and "Cursor beyond EOF"
    21.07.2003 improvement, editor creates a new file on an attempt to open a nonexistent file (command line only)
    21.07.2003 improvement, overwrite read-only file dialog has been reimplemented
    10.06.2004 improvement, text has been sort implemented (currently only 1 sort key)
    10.06.2004 improvement, the program asks to continue w/o locking if it cannot lock a file
    11.10.2004 improvement, Ruler for columns has been added
    11.10.2004 improvement, Columnar markers has been added (can be defined on class property page)
    11.10.2004 improvement, "Datetime stamp" command has been implemented
    11.10.2004 improvement, Basic import/export command line tools for languages/settings
    11.10.2004 improvement, columnar edit mode has been added
    11.10.2004 improvement, columnar indent and undent mode has been added (if columnar mode is on)
    24.10.2004 improvement, indent and undent align each line individually to the nearest indent level

Fixed bugs:
    09.04.2002 bug fix, paint fail if delete block which start above the top of page
    17.04.2002 bug fix, strange vertical cursor movement on leading tabs and spaces
    13.05.2002 bug fix, undo operation completes with garbage on empty lines or following by them
    13.05.2002 bug fix, processing for control chars has been added (esc,...)
    17.05.2002 bug fix, cannot search for $,[,],^
    22.05.2002 bug fix, search fails it it started after EOF
    04.05.2002 bug fix, xml comment highliter does not work properly. Fixed by changing language.dat.
    22.06.2002 bug fix, WinXP requires "" instead of 0 in CComboBox::AddString
    10.07.2002 bug fix, double/triple click on spaces does not select line
    12.07.2002 bug fix, drag & drop fails in the same window (stream, drop below original pos)
    22.07.2002 bug fix, stream block delete fails below EOF
    26.07.2002 bug fix, program hangs on template expanding
    28.07.2002 bug fix, RegExp replace fails on \1...
    03.08.2002 bug fix, block copy is too slow on 10M file
    04.08.2002 bug fix, print highlighting fails on next page in word wrapping mode (xml highlighter)
    14.08.2002 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog, garbage in combo box history
    14.08.2002 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog, empty string cannot be saved in in combo box history
    14.08.2002 bug fix, indent/undent block does not work if selection is not normalized
    17.08.2002 bug fix, wrong print highlighting after print preview
    26.08.2002 bug fix, unnecessary reloading outside-updated files
    07.09.2002 bug fix, copy/paste operation loses the first blank line
    08.09.2002 bug fix, the searched text has been found but may be still invisible
    23.09.2002 bug fix, line numbers do not appear after typing below EOF
    25.09.2002 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog - [:xxxx:] exps have been replaced
    08.10.2002 bug fix, allow multiple instances does not work
    17.11.2002 bug fix, Win95/Win98 compatibility
    06.12.2002 bug fix, in find dialog count and mark change "modified" status
    15.12.2002 bug fix, undo/redo of lower/upper don't save position/selection
    15.12.2002 bug fix, Pl/Sql highliter fails on start line comments
    16.12.2002 bug fix, regexp replace fails on \1,...
    16.12.2002 bug fix, Search all windows does not find occurance above the current
    16.12.2002 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog auto position
    16.12.2002 bug fix, file manager context menu fails
    23.12.2002 bug fix, detect file changing does not work
    06.01.2002 bug fix/performance tuning, file reading became 5-10 faster
    as result of lines' array preallocation. Actually it's a fix for performance
    degradation since 097 build 27.
    09.01.2003 bug fix, unkown exception on word left on empty line
    13.01.2003 bug fix, useless selection on delete word undo
    13.01.2003 bug fix, losing modification status if undo stack overflows
    05.03.2003 bug fix, lower/upper/... operaration causes an exception on blank space
    06.03.2003 bug fix, stack overflow on closing a big pl/sql file with syntax errors
    07.03.2003 bug fix, some shell highlighter problem have been fixed
    07.03.2003 bug fix, PlSqlHighlighter does not process '&&'
    07.03.2003 bug fix, wrong columnar selection after undo
    XX.XX.2003 bug fix, document-modified status may be lost if undo memory limit is 0
    XX.XX.2003 bug fix, "PL/SQL IF"-template cannot be expanded if "Always show Autocomlete list if there is an alternative" is on
    09.03.2003 bug fix, backup file problem if a destination is the current folder
    09.03.2003 bug fix, desktop flickers when the programm is starting
    10.03.2003 bug fix, start-line comment (promt & remark) should be separeted by delimiter from text
    10.03.2003 bug fix, special character button does not work in Find dialog
    16.03.2003 bug fix, a woorkbook tab toltip shows a wrong path if any left tab has been closed
    16.03.2003 bug fix, autoindent always uses a previos line as base even the line is empty
    16.03.2003 bug fix, keyword normalization fails in many cases
    16.03.2003 bug fix, mouse selection fails sometimes on left button click with pressed <shift>
    16.03.2003 bug fix, scroll position fails on delete boolmark lines operation
    16.03.2003 bug fix, autocomplete template list cannot be activated on word delemiters ( \t"',! ...)
    16.03.2003 bug fix, autocomplete template list does not show properly on the second monitor
    16.03.2003 bug fix, infinite cycle is possible on "Count" or "Mark all" in search all windows mode
    16.03.2003 bug fix, plsql match sometimes fails after some edit operations
    17.03.2003 bug fix, multimonitor support & nt 4
    17.03.2003 bug fix, cursor position become wrong after document type was changed
    21.03.2003 bug fix, missing entry in fing what/replace with histoty
    22.03.2003 bug fix, mouse click on gutter does not select line (since 16.03.2003)
    31.03.2003 bug fix, the program fails to open multiple file selection in Open dialog
    31.03.2003 bug fix, "Save all" command is not silent since "Save all on exit" dialog was created
    31.03.2003 bug fix, Attempt to open File dialog for a specified folder in File explorer fails
    if any file alredy open from another location
    31.03.2003 bug fix, editor context menu position is wrong on Shift+F10
    07.04.2003 bug fix, no menu shortcut labels on Win95,... because of SDK incompatibility
    26.05.2003 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog: a replace mode depends on a search direction
    26.05.2003 bug fix, selection may still be out of visible text after undo
    26.05.2003 bug fix, no file name on "Save As" or "Save" for a new file
    26.05.2003 bug fix, "Other Keywords" has been added to "PL/SQL" (about 150 missed and optional keywords)
    26.05.2003 bug fix, Find/Replace dialog: "Transform backslash expressions" has beed added to handle \t\b\ddd...
    29.06.2003 bug fix, selected text foreground color cannot be changed for "Text" class
    16.02.2004 bug fix, exception on PgDn if "Cursor beyond end of file" is unchecked
    24.05.2004 bug fix, scrolling stops at one line before EOF if "Cursor beyond end of file" is checked
    24.05.2004 bug fix, search for empty string "^$" stops on the first occurence and does not follow forward/backward
    24.05.2004 bug fix, exception on attempt to replace "^" with any string (insert at start of line)
    01.06.2004 bug fix, Storage::ReplaceLinePart can replace 0-length line part now (search/replace issue)
    01.06.2004 bug fix, invalid string length for search starting not at BOL
    01.06.2004 bug fix, while loop has been changed because of empty line/start line replacement
    30.06.2004 bug fix, unknown exception on "save as", if a user doesn't have permissions to rewrite the destination
    30.06.2004 improvement/bug fix, text search/replace interface has been changed
    05.07.2004 bug fix, exception "FixedString is too long (>=64K)" on undo after save
    23.09.2004 bug fix, replace all fails on 1 line selection
    24.10.2004 bug fix, "Next search" is not working after the previous fix (replace all fails on 1 line selection)
    27.10.2004 bug fix, Infinite cycle on Count/Mark/Replace All if "Search All Windows" is on
Source: readme.txt, updated 2021-03-01