Home / ncid / 0.86
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
README.txt 2013-04-30 10.6 kB
ncid-client_0.86-2_all.deb 2013-03-29 48.8 kB
ncid-0.86.1-src.tar.gz 2013-03-29 472.7 kB
ncid-0.86-mac-osx.tgz 2013-03-24 281.6 kB
ncid_0.86-1_armhf.deb 2013-03-24 210.4 kB
ncid-0.86-cygwin.tgz 2013-03-24 241.5 kB
ncid-0.86-client_setup.exe 2013-03-24 2.3 MB
ncid-0.86-freebsd.tgz 2013-03-24 241.1 kB
ncid-kpopup_0.86-1_all.deb 2013-03-24 4.0 kB
ncid-samba_0.86-1_all.deb 2013-03-24 5.5 kB
ncid-speak_0.86-1_all.deb 2013-03-24 5.7 kB
ncid-mythtv_0.86-1_all.deb 2013-03-24 5.4 kB
ncid_0.86-1_i386.deb 2013-03-24 207.5 kB
ncid-0.86-1.fc18.x86_64.rpm 2013-03-24 210.1 kB
ncid-client-0.86-1.fc18.noarch.rpm 2013-03-24 54.2 kB
ncid-debuginfo-0.86-1.fc18.x86_64.rpm 2013-03-24 71.9 kB
ncid-kpopup-0.86-1.fc18.noarch.rpm 2013-03-24 9.3 kB
ncid-mythtv-0.86-1.fc18.noarch.rpm 2013-03-24 9.4 kB
ncid-samba-0.86-1.fc18.noarch.rpm 2013-03-24 9.6 kB
ncid-speak-0.86-1.fc18.noarch.rpm 2013-03-24 9.8 kB
ncid-0.86-mips-tivo.tgz 2013-03-24 495.9 kB
ncid-0.86-ppc-tivo.tgz 2013-03-24 351.5 kB
Totals: 22 Items   5.2 MB 0
NCID distributions:

        NCID source package:           ncid-0.86-src.tar.gz

        Cygwin 32 bit Windows package: ncid-0.86-cygwin.tgz

        TiVo Series1 package:          ncid-0.86-ppc-tivo.tgz
        TiVo Series 2-3 package:       ncid-0.86-mips-tivo.tgz

        Ubuntu 32 bit packages:        ncid_0.86-1_i386.deb

        Windows client installer:      ncid-0.86-client_setup.exe

      These may also be distributed:

        Fedora 64 bit packages:        ncid-0.86-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm

        Macintosh 32 bit OS X package: ncid-0.86-mac-osx.tgz

        FreeBSD 32 bit package:        ncid-0.86-freebsd.tgz

        Debian packages:               Ubuntu packages should install as-is

        Raspberry Pi packages:         ncid_0.86-1_armhf.deb
                                       other packages are the same as Ubuntu

    Fedora packages:
        Available at the Fedora repository (sometimes sourceforge).
        New release first appears in the rawhide repository.
        There are server, client, and optional output module packages.
        Normally you only need to install the ncid & ncid-client rpm packages.
        The yum list command will show you the packages available:
            yum list ncid\*
        If the above does not show version 0.86:
            yum --enablerepo=rawhide list ncid\*
        If the rawhide repo is not installed:
            yum install fedora-release-rawhide
        If you need to build packages for your specific OS release:
            rpmbuild -tb ncid-0.86-src.tar.gz

    RPM based OS packages (includes Fedora, Redhat, CentOS, etc):
    (If a dependency can't be resolved, you should try rebuilding packages)
          - Download the latest NCID deb packages from sourceforge:
            ncid RPM Package
            ncid-client RPM Package - client and default output modules
          - Download any optional output modules wanted:
            ncid-MODULE RPM Package  - optional client output modules
          - Install or Upgrade the packages using yum
            * Install the NCID server and gateways:
              sudo yum install ncid-<version>.fc17.x86_64.rpm
            * Install the client package and default modules:
              sudo yum install ncid-client-<version>.fc17.x86_64.rpm
            * Install any optional modules wanted:
              sudo gdebi ncid-<module-<version>.fc17.x86_64.rpm
            <version> would be something like: 0.86-1
            <module> would be a module name like: kpopup, mythtv, samba

    Macintosh OS X package:
        Available at MacPorts (sometimes sourceforge).

    FreeBSD package:
        Available at FreshPorts (sometimes sourceforge).

    Ubuntu packages:
        Available at the 3rd Party Repository: GetDeb Apps
        (sometimes sourceforge).
        Add the repository if needed:
          wget -q -O - http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key \
            | sudo apt-key add -
          sudo sh -c \
            "echo 'deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu precise-getdeb apps' \
            >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
        Update the apt cache:
          sudo apt-get update
        List the available packages:
          sudo apt-cache search ncid
        Install the server and client:
          sudo apt-get install ncid ncid-client
        Install any optional output modules wanted:
          sudo apt-get install ncid-<module>

    Debian based OS packages (includes Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, etc):
        If the latest package is not available at the repository:
          - Download the latest NCID deb packages from sourceforge:
            ncid DEB Package
            ncid-client DEB Package - client and default output modules

          - Download any optional output modules wanted:
            ncid-MODULE DEB Package  - optional client output modules

          - Install or Upgrade the packages using the gdebi-gtk (GUI):
            * If needed use the the menu item "Add/Remove.." to install the
              GDebi Package Installer.
            * Using the file viewer:
                - Open the file viewer to view the NCID DEB packages
                - Select the DEB packages
                - double click selections or right click selections and select
                  "Open with GDebi Package installer"

          - Install or Upgrade the packages using gdebi (command line):
            * Install gdebi if needed:
              sudo apt-get install gdebi    
            * Install the NCID server and gateways:
              sudo gdebi ncid-<version>_<processor>.deb
            * Install the client package and default modules:
              sudo gdebi ncid-client-<version>_all.deb
            * Install any optional modules wanted:
              sudo gdebi ncid-<module-<version>_all.deb
            <version> would be something like: 0.86-1
            <processor> would be something like: i386, armhf
            <module> would be a module name like: kpopup, mythtv, samba

        If you need to build a package for your specific OS or release, the
        build-essential, fakeroot, & libpcap packages must be installed:
            sudo apt-get build-essential fakeroot libpcap0.8-dev
            tar -xzf ncid-0.86-src.tar.gz
            mv ncid ncid-0.86
            cd ncid-0.86
            fakeroot debian/rules build
            fakeroot debian/rules binary
            fakeroot debian/rules clean

Specific distribution Changes:


    Fedora, Redhat, and RPM based systems:
        - Top level Makefile has redhat and redhat-install targets.
          It is for systems that still use init scripts like
          Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or an old version of Fedora.
        - removed ncidsip.init and ncidsip.service
        - added wc2ncid.init and wc2ncid.service
        - added a reload feature to ncidd for systemd

        - removed ncidsip.rc
        - added wc2ncid.rc

    Mac OS X:
        - removed net.sourceforge.ncid-gui.plist
        - added net.sourceforge.wc2ncid.plist
        - added ncid-gui.command
        - added fix-combobox
        - updated INSTALL-Mac

    Raspberry Pi (Raspbian): new

        - removed ncidsip.init
        - added wc2ncid.init
        - removed 0ubuntu1 from the package versions so the building
          package code in the source is more universal

        - added an ncid-fly comment in the startncid script

        - updated INSTALL-Win

NCID Server Changes:

        - added code to always send a 300 message.
        - added a partial match for an alias using "if"
        - added code to add "NONAME" when cidnomane is set
        - the Maximum size of the alias, blacklist, and
          whitelist files were increased from 200 to 500 entries
        - added a new cidcall.log line, "END:", for a gateway end-
          of-call.  It includes call start and end extended times.
        - added new call type called BLK for blocked calls

        - added "cidnoname"
          Set this to 1 if the CID received does not include a name.
          The server will send the call when the date, time, and number
          are received instead of waiting for the second ring.

NCID Gateway Changes:


        - modified to support the new CALLINFO line sent to
          the server so it can generate an END line in cidcall.log
        - fixed the code that is used to determine incoming and
          outgoing calls for systems that do not support REGISTRATION
        - fixed the end-of-call that generates BYE


        - new, uses the Whozz Calling Ethernet Link hardware
          see http://callerid.com

    ncidsip: removed but still in source in attic/

NCID Client Changes:

        - fonts used depend on platform and OS
        - new option to resize the GUI
        - new items to save GUI size and GUI size & location
        - new menu called Preferences with a menu item to
          bring up a font window to select a fixed font name, the font 
          size, and an option to make it bold. It also contains two menu 
          items to set the display time in either 12 or 24 hour format.
        - new wakeup variable to call ncid-wakeup
          to wake up a monitor on an X-window system
        - removed options "--raw | -R" and "--classic-display| -C"
        - new "--help | -h" option and "--version | -V" options
        - added ability to wrap lines in GUI history window
          configured by WrapLines in ncid.conf
        - added ability to call an external program on each ring if
          using a modem that indicates each ring
        - Changed verbose option to "--verbose | -v" option
        - added more verbose statements

        - removed the "raw" and "classic" sections
        - new wakeup configuration option
        - new WrapLines configuration section

NCID Client Module Changes:

    ncid-alert: new
    ncid-wakeup: new

NCID tool changes:

    cidalias: improved code and also looks for aliases in the blacklist
              file, added documentation

    cidcall: improved code and updated to handle "END:" lines in the
             cidcall.log file, added documentation

    cidupdate: improved code, added documentation

    wct: new, a tool to interact with Whozz Calling Ethernet Link devices

Documentation Changes:

    ncid.1, ncidd.alias.5, ncidd.conf.5, ncid-*.1: updated
    cidalias.1, cidcall.1, cidupdate.1: removed
    ncidtools.7, ncid-alert.1, wc2ncid.1, wc2ncid.conf.5, wct.1: new

    all INSTALL documents updated, and some were improved

    INSTALL-RPi: new
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-04-30